Violet planting technology

Radix is ​​a perennial herb that belongs to the Asteraceae soil. The southern region of China originates from tender young leaves and tender leaves, and has a high nutritional and health care effect. No pests have been found during its growth and it is a pollution-free vegetable.

1. The adventitious roots of the stem sections of the seedlings of M. violaceum are more prone to breeding. In the spring, the top buds of 6 cm to 8 cm are cut from the strong mother plant. If the top buds are very long, they can be cut into 1 and 2 sections with 3 sections of 5 leaves per section, and the base 1 of the branches removed. Leaf, inserted in seedbeds, seedbeds available soil, or sand and straw ash, can also be inserted in the sink. The cuttings are 6 cm to 10 PCT in diameter, and about 2/3 of the shoots are immersed in soil. The water is permeable, covered with a plastic film to keep it moist (20°C), watered frequently, and survived for 10-15 days before being transplanted with soil. In a frost-free place, the anniversary can be propagated, and in the north, the seedlings should be planted in a protected area.

2, the planting should choose a well-drained, organic-rich, strong water retention and fertility, good ventilation loam, soil is slightly acidic. 4.5 kg per square meter of cooked organic fertilizer is used as a base fertilizer, deep-turned, flat and flat.

3. The principle of field management irrigation is to see the soil dry and wet, and to pay attention to drainage and flood prevention in the rainy season. After the start of harvesting, 1 fertilizer is applied once per harvest. Per person square meters of cooked manure urine 1.5 kilograms, or 15 grams of urea 22 grams.

4. Harvesting takes 15 minutes longer and the tip has 5-6 leaves. When harvesting, leave 2 or 3 leaves at the base of the stem to make the newly emerged shoot slightly sickle, about half a month. After that, the second harvest can be carried out again. Only one section is left at the base of the stem from the second harvest so that the plant height and plant shape can be controlled. The southern region can be harvested on the anniversary, and greenhouse production in the north can be harvested on an annual basis, and the peak harvest season is from August to September.

5. Prior to the initial frost preservation of the mother plant, select robust plants in the field, intercept the terminal buds, and cut them in the protected area, leaving the mother plant for use in the following year. The temperature in the protected area should be controlled above 5°C.

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