Monstera Care and Pest Control

Monstera, also known as Ayurveda, and electric wire blue, is an evergreen vine of the Araceae family. The leaves are unusual in shape, their leaves have a feathery, deep edge, and long, oval-shaped holes between the veins. They resemble a thousand-year-old turtle, and stems resemble bamboo. They are named Monstera. Because of its dark brown, elongated, wire-like aerial roots, it was called a wire blue. November flowering, pale yellow. It is a famous foliage plant.

Monstera native to Mexico's tropical rain forest, China has introduced cultivation in the south and north, sexual hi warm and humid environment, avoid direct sunlight and dry, not cold, hi shade. The best soil is rot. Regular water sprays are needed in summer and winter temperatures must be kept above 5°C. The plants grow rapidly and the cultivation space should be wide, otherwise it will affect the extension of the stems and leaves, showing no beautiful leaves. Because of its joy, if the potted plants are not moved outside to see the sun for 3-4 months, it will not leave dead leaves and remain green. It is a unique leaf-tolerant foliage plant.

Monstera not only has a beautiful leaf shape, but also has a unique ability to absorb carbon dioxide at night. It contains many organic acids, such as malic acid, etc. Organic acids react chemically with carbon dioxide absorbed during the night and become another organic acid. In the daytime, this changed organic acid is reduced to the original organic acid, and the carbon dioxide is decomposed and used for photosynthesis. Therefore, there is a certain role in the purification of indoor air in the living room to support monstera.

The breeding of Monstera is mainly based on cutting methods. In early spring, cutting the knotted section from the stem requires at least two knots. The root of the gas should be removed. The leaves should be inserted directly into the planted pots, soaked in water and placed in a warm, damp place where it can be shaded. The temperature can be maintained at 21-27°C for about 1 month. However, when this method is used to breed Monstera, the leaves will become smaller and there will be no cracking. At least one year of conservation is required to achieve the ornamental effect. If the method of combining the rooting method of buried air with the cutting method is used, the effect will be much better.

The operation of the method of burying and rooting is very simple, as long as the aerial roots of the top 3 to 4 sections of the plant are buried in another pot (using ordinary culture soil) to keep the soil in the pot moist and the original pot is slightly soiled. dry. As a result, the roots of the front end will quickly grow out of work. After 20 days, you can cut off the front section and re-arrange the upper pot. Cut the cuttings for the remaining sections. In this way, the plant shape is not affected, and the number of breedings is not reduced. Some plants that grow too long can be more beautiful through this method.

Potted Monstera, despite its extensive management, can still grow well, but it should still pay attention to the following aspects.

(1) Use soil and change pots. Monstera cuttings rooting, fertile pond mud available when transplanting on the pot, or black mud. Due to its rapid growth, it is necessary to change the basin once a year. Change the basin time should be carried out between March and April. When changing the basin, remove some of the soil and dried roots and replace the bigger one. Put some hooves and broken bones as base fertilizers in the pelvic floor, fill in cultivating soil with 1/3 of rot leaf soil, vegetable garden soil and sand soil.

(2) Pay attention to the growing environment. Mulberry bamboo direct sunlight, not cold. Summer should be placed indoors or in a shaded shed. Do not place on a balcony with strong sunshine. Otherwise, it can easily cause dead leaves and affect the ornamental value. When winter temperatures fall to 6°C, they should be moved indoors to keep warm.

(3) Keep basin soil moist. Monstera is hi moist and needs plenty of water during growth. Daily watering can be done once a day, once in the morning and night in summer, and when the weather is dry, it is necessary to spray water on the leaves and sprinkle water to the maintenance environment to keep the air and the leaves bright. Pour water once in 3-4 days in winter. Spray the leaf once every 7-10 days with water close to room temperature to keep the plants green and fresh, and increase the ornamental value.

(4) Appropriate fertilization. Monstera is a hilarious flower. From April to September, a thin pancake can be applied every 15 days. It is also possible to use lean urine to add water to the body, and the fat leaves are pleasant.

In addition, the first plant growing plants should be set up in time for lashing, and the entire plant should be pruned after shaping to make the plant beautiful.

The major pests and diseases that harm Monstera are scale insects and gray spot disease.

(1) scale insects. Indoor cultivation of Monstera, if poor ventilation, stems and leaves prone to scale insects, loss of ornamental value. When a small amount occurs, it can be taken manually. In severe cases, it is sprayed with 40% omethoate emulsion 1000 liquids.

(2) Monstera gray spot. More from the edge of the edge of the lesion began. Low temperature, smoke, and insect pests are more serious. After the damage, the lesions were black spots at the beginning, and they were oval or irregular after expansion. The edges are dark brown and grayish brown.

Control methods: 1 Strengthen the maintenance of the plant, remove insects in time, and cut off some diseased leaves. 2 At the time of onset, spray with 70% thiophanate 1000 times or 0.5 equivalent Bordeaux mixture.

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