How to raise meat goose in summer

Hot summer weather, rapid breathing of meat and geese, loss of appetite, and harassment of mosquitoes and flies have seriously affected the growth of meat geese. Therefore, we must strengthen feeding and management.

Pay attention to heatstroke, cool down, and do a good job in preventing the heatstroke, which is the most important issue for raising good goose in summer. In summer, the temperature of the goose house should not exceed 26°C, and the breeding density of meat geese should be 6-7 per square meter. Cooling measures that can be taken during production: keep the goose house ventilated and breathable, and sprinkle 1cm thick fine sand on the ground; take a pergola outside the goose house activity site to shade or shade the net at a height of about 2 meters away from the goose body; Plant vines such as grapes, sponge gourds, pumpkins, etc. around the house; when the weather is too hot, spray cold water on the ground around the geese, or spray misty cold water on the geese; use lime water or white on the outer walls of the house. The paint is whitened and the roof is covered with white materials to enhance the reflection of light to reduce the heat absorption of the house.

Efforts to keep the goslings at a controlled temperature: The hatched goslings are sparsely bred, and their function of regulating body temperature is weak, so it is difficult to adapt to changes in the outside temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to do well in temperature-control brooding. In the first week, the temperature in the house is 30°C-28°C, and then decreases by 2°C per week until 16°C. Moisture proof: Humidity in brood chamber is easy to cause goslings, so the relative humidity in the first week should be controlled at 55%-60%, and the relative humidity should be kept at 60%-65% afterwards. Adjusting the density: In the first week, the breeding density of goslings was 25 animals per square meter, and after that, they decreased by 5 to 10 per week. We must keep strong young animals, weak young animals, big young animals, young chicks, young chicks, and diseased chicks separately so that the goslings grow evenly. Open food: 24 hours after the gosling emerges from the shell, eat it first and then eat it. Place a piece of plastic sheeting on the floor before drinking. Be slightly warmer around the floor. Spray a small amount of warm boiled water and add some glucose or vitamins. Drinking water first helps clean up the stomach and eliminate meconium. Five mature rice can be used to feed on food. Wash the stickiness of the rice with cold water, cut the green feed into filaments, and sprinkle it on the prepared plastic sheet so that the goslings can feed freely. For the first time, tap the ground to lure the goslings to eat. After several adjustments, most goslings learn to eat. After 3 days, formula feed can be fed. The crude protein level of the diet is 20%-22%, and the metabolic energy per kilogram of feed is 2700-2800 kcal. Grazing: Goslings can be grazing after 2 weeks of age. To select sunny days without wind and rain, grazing on the grass near the farm, let goslings eat grass, sun exposure, adapt to the external environment. One hour for each grazing is appropriate, gradually increasing grazing time as the age increases.

Ingeniously combining grazing and geese with 30-day-old geese until the main wing feather grows, it is a stage of growth of bones, muscles and feathers. To make full use of the low temperature in the early morning and late summer, select good grassland and sufficient quantity for grazing. The rest of the time should be raised in captivity and appropriate supplements such as bran, rice, corn, etc., are usually supplemented 2-3 times a day, and it is advisable to eat 80 percent of the goose every time.

Fertilize at the right time When the main wings of the meat goose grow out, you can begin to fatten. The whole fattening period should be kept in captivity, and the feed should be diversified, mainly including corn, rice, wheat, and bran which are rich in carbohydrates and easy to digest, and should be properly matched with protein feed and roughage. Feed should be crushed, add water and mix into semi-humid feed, feed 4-5 times a day, feed 1 at night, the amount of feed is not limited, so that geese can fully feed and drink enough water. Clean the sheds every day, clean the feed trough and sink, and let the geese run for 30 minutes every other day to clean the goose body. Usually after 15-20 days of fattening, hand touch their full chest muscles, back fat thickening can be listed for sale.

Doing a good job of preventing epidemics and disease-free goslings is prone to morbidity in the summer and strict preventive measures must be taken. If goslings have not been injected with gosling geese vaccine, the goslings produced are susceptible to gosling plagues and must be quarantined. The hatched goslings were each injected with an anti-goose sera immune serum to prevent the occurrence of gosling plague. In addition, we must also prevent and treat diseases such as gosling flu and geese paratyphoid. Feeding utensils are sterilized once every 3-5 days with 5% fresh lime water. The geese and event venues were cross-sterilized once every 7-10 days with 1% bleach solution and 3% caustic soda water. At the same time, we must pay attention to doing a good job of prevention and control of some diseases.

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