Asian Barramundi Breeding Technology

Asian giant seabream (Lates calcarfer) is an important economic fish in brackishwater aquaculture, living in tropical and subtropical areas, such as southern China's East China Sea and South China Sea, India, Myanmar and other places. Since Asian barramundi grow fast, it can grow to market specifications within 8 months, generally the growth rate is 1kg/year, and Asian barramundi has many characteristics that make it suitable for coastal breeding, such as high turbidity The water with constantly changing salinity grows well, can adapt to extensive breeding and high-density cage culture conditions, and is relatively easy to acclimate. Therefore, in recent years, it has become one of the important targets for sea cage culture and pond culture in South China. This article briefly introduces the breeding techniques of Asian barramundi for reference by breeders.
I. Water quality conditions of the Asian barramundi breeding environment The suitable water temperature for the growth of the Asian barramundi is 25°C-34°C, and the optimum range is 29°C-32°C. When the water temperature is below 20°C, feeding is stopped. The water temperature below 12°C will freeze Dead, therefore, the breeding of Asian barramundi in South China is limited to April-November each year. In addition, for the cultivation of Asian barramundi, it must have suitable environmental water quality conditions. The recommended environmental water quality conditions are: pH 2.5-8.5, dissolved oxygen 4ppm-9ppm, salinity 10ppt-0ppt, water temperature 26 °C--32 °C, NH3 II, Asian Barramundi Artificial Propagation Technology
1. Broodstock Breeding Studies on the reproductive physiology of Asian barramundi in Southeast Asian countries and regions have found that when cage fish, ponds or ponds are used to raise broodstock, it usually takes at least 3 years from collection of natural fry to cultivation of adult fish and to mature broodstock - 5 years. In addition, mature broodstock with a weight of 2kg-8k8 wild Asian barramundi can also be used directly as trophozoites. The breeding season of Asian barramundi is at the end of June and the end of October of each year, and artificial insemination is usually performed at sea.
2 Selection of brood fish oxycodogenic spawning broodstock should meet the following conditions: good fullness, strong physique, no disease, complete body and strong activity; the average egg diameter of eggs produced by female broodstock is 0, 4mm, male broodstock can extrude Milk white semen, which is also a good indicator of maturity of broodstock, male to female ratio of 1:2.
3, oxytocin dosage Currently, there are usually two methods of oxytocin production: one is direct injection and the other is embedded granular hormone. Researchers in the Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Marine Fisheries Development Center proposed using luteinizing hormone-releasing-hormone analogue (LHRHa) as an oxytocin. LHRHa is usually in the form of a powder. It should be dissolved in a physiological saline solution when formulated, and must be handled according to the procedure. Specifications can be formulated to improve the oxytocin effect. For oxytocin weighing 2kg-8kg, the dose of LHRHa is 20ug/kg-100ug/kg body weight.
4. Problems in Artificial Breeding The Asian barramundi is a male first-matured hermaphrodite fish. When studying the physiology of the gonadal development of the Asian barramundi, it was first discovered that the male gonad became mature and then became mature in female gonads. Therefore, In the artificial breeding of Asian barramundi, it is very difficult to obtain male gonads, which is a thorny problem that is caused by the physiological characteristics of Asian barramundi itself. It is 3 to 4 years for juvenile Asian barramundi to reach male maturity, and 6 years for reaching female maturity. It is not possible to convert all males to females during gonad transformation.
III. Breeding techniques of Asian barramundi seedlings
1. Fertilized Eggs Fertilized eggs are usually placed in glass jars for hatching. Fertilized eggs are generally cultivated at a density of 1,200 seeds per liter. Normally, the egg hatches 14 hours after fertilization at 28°C and 32 ppt salinity. The stocking density of newly hatched juveniles was 30 fish/L. After 10 days, the stocking density of juveniles was 15 fish/L. After 21 days, the stocking density was 6 fish/L. This increase in young fish stocking density can increase the juvenile fish stocking density. The fish's activity space minimizes the occurrence of similar disability between juveniles.
Asian barramundi are natural zooplankton and zooplankton are commonly fed with rotifers and Artemia nauplii at the nursery stage. Some scholars have found that increasing the content of highly unsaturated fatty acids in rotifers and Artemia can significantly increase the survival rate of Asian barramundi seedlings.
Since Asian barramundi are a kind of carnivorous fish, the phenomenon of similar disability is very serious. Therefore, scientific management must be strengthened during the cultivation of seedlings. Studies have shown that the survival rate of 21-day-old juveniles is 90%, and with the increase in seed size, there is a phenomenon of similar disability. Therefore, they must be stocked separately according to specifications, so that different specifications can be cultivated in the same water tank. The number of seedlings does not exceed 33%. The use of sorting cages can effectively separate seeds of different sizes naturally, thereby reducing the incidence of similar disability. Sorting cages usually have different specifications such as large mesh, medium mesh, and fine mesh. When used, large mesh cages are usually placed on the innermost side, fine mesh cages are placed on the outermost side, and medium mesh cages are used. Put it between the two.
2. Seed conservation and desalination At present, the domestic Asian barramundi artificial nursery has not yet reached the level of mass production, the required seedlings are mainly imported from Southeast Asia, and the introduction of mostly large-scale (more than 5cm in length) seedlings , And these have been desalinated and domesticated. However, this large-scale seedling is expensive and its salinity is generally only diluted to 10ppt-15ppt. It is not suitable for pond culture in lower salinity areas, and if it is purchased in small size (15 days to 20 days after hatching, About 1 in body length. Seedlings desalinated on their own will help them adapt to the salinity requirements of the local environment.
In specific operations, fish and shrimp breeding ponds can be used as desalination holding ponds, preferably using indoor cement pools. Cement pool volume is 15m3-20 m3, water depth is 1. Om-1.5m, in addition should be equipped with heating facilities and air pumps. The body length of the purchased seedlings was maintained for 2 days under the conditions of original salinity (10 ppt-15 ppt) at a seed density of about 1 cm. The stocking density was 7,000 fish/m3, and from the third day, desalination was carried out according to local salinity conditions. And within 10 days, the salinity is adjusted to lppt-5ppt, and then stored under this salinity for 2 days.
In the period of seedling desalination, the amount of feed is determined by 250g of Artemia dormant eggs (hatching rate 80%) per 100,000 seedlings, feeding 3 times - 4 times, after about 15 days of cultivation, fry Growth to body length 2.5cm-3.0cm, that is to complete the work of seedlings for temporary maintenance, during which survival rate of seed is about 70%-80.
3. Some scholars' researches on the mid-cultivation and dietary acclimation of seedlings have shown that, compared with the direct stocking of seedlings in a rearing tank or cage, the intermediate-cultivated seed grows quickly and has a high survival rate. There are generally two methods for intermediate breeding of seedlings, pond culture and cage culture. In addition, generally, when the seedling develops to the 20th to the 25th day of age (about 0.15g in body weight), it is necessary to start feeding the fish larvae, etc., to assimilate it, so that it can be converted from the original feeding plankton into artificial feeding. The feed.
In the method of pond cultivation, seedlings of Asian barramundi should be cultured in a pond with sufficient water source, uncontaminated water depth of 50cm-80cm, area of ​​500m2-2000m2, and salinity variation of 0.2ppt-5ppt. In addition, ponds should have entry and exit gates and should have a certain slope for drainage. At the gate entrance, a safety net with a mesh size of about 1 mm is required to prevent the entry of predator creatures into the pond. An aerator should be configured to increase the dissolved oxygen content of the pond water. Prior to stocking, the ponds should be sterilized by clear ponds. Pond water can be fertilized in ponds for several days to cultivate plankton that can be used as seed food. The size of stocking stocks is 1cm-2.5cm in length and stocking density is 20/m2-50/m2. In addition, in order to prevent deterioration of water quality caused by the proliferation of bait and natural food organisms, attention should be paid to observing the water color and changing the water in a timely manner.
In cage breeding methods, rectangular floating cages are generally used. The cage size is generally 3m1 m1 m-5 m2m1m with a mesh size of 1 Ã…. The cages are mostly set on river banks or ponds away from pollution and winds, and the stocking density is 80 to 100 pigs per square meter. After 30 days to 45 days of cultivation, the body length of the seedlings can reach 5?-10?, and they can be stocked in the rearing ponds or cages for cultivation. In addition, in the intensive culture of low-salinity ponds of the Asian barramundi, in the course of culturing seedlings in cages, compound fertilizers can be applied to the ponds to cultivate plankton as seed food, and photosynthetic bacteria can be used to keep the water fresh. . After fertilization for 7 days to 10 days, the seedlings can be placed in cages in the pond for intermediate cultivation. The size of the stocking stock is about 3 cm in length, and the seedling density can reach 2000 pigs per month. Before the seedlings reached 5 cm in body length, feed was not fed and the seeds were fed with plankton. After 7 days to 10 days of cultivation, seedlings with a body length of 5? were transferred to other cages for cultivation at a stocking density of 700/?-800 tail/?, and these seeds were fed for 7 days to 10 days. After domestication, the zooplankton seedlings, such as clams, horns and other zooplankton, were converted into artificially-fed fish gills to complete the intermediate cultivation of seedlings.
Fourth, the Asian barramundi adult fish breeding techniques After stocking, fish should continue feeding, until the fish body length reached 15cm or more and then changed to feeding chopped fish. In the adult fish breeding stage, the feeding rate was 10%-15% in the middle and middle period, and it was fed 3 times daily; the feeding rate was 8%-10% in the later period and was fed twice daily. In the breeding process, care should be taken to adopt grading methods to avoid the occurrence of similar disability. After about 4 months of feeding, Asian barramundi can be harvested when they weigh about 500g.
1. Pond culture model Adult fish culture can be carried out in the original intermediate cultivation pond or in another pond. The pond conditions required for breeding are similar to those in the intermediate cultivation pond. Since the chilled fish fed on the fish can easily pollute the water, it is necessary to observe the water color and change the water in time. The amount of water needed in the early stage of breeding is not much, so the time interval for changing the water can be appropriately extended. In the later period of cultivation, the water needs to be changed frequently. Generally, the water is changed once every other week, and the water is changed 30% to 50% each time. The amount of water should be determined based on water color, water quality, weather conditions, etc. In addition, whether to start the aerator or not should be decided according to the situation during the breeding stage.
Asian barramundi pond culture generally adopts two methods: one is monoculture, that is, a single breed of barramundi breeding, its stocking density is 1 / 2 tail /?, a kind of polyculture, will be the Asian pinching With polycultures of other fish, such as milkfish and tilapia, Asian barramundi stocking densities range from 0 to 3 tails/−0 to 5 tails/day. If Asian barramundi, milkfish, and tilapia are polycultured in brackish water, the optimal stocking densities for the three species are 0, 5, 0, 15 and 0.4, respectively. The stocking specifications of the three fishes are lOg-20g, 20g-30g and 30g-50g, respectively, and the three fishes should not be fed for more than 3 months.
2. Cage culture mode The environment selected by Asian barramundi cage culture should meet the following conditions:
The selected inner sea, lagoon or inner bay should have a certain trend; it should be far away from the unfavorable environment such as domestic sewage and industrial and agricultural pollution sources; the salinity range of the aquaculture waters is 13ppt-30ppt. The shape of the cage is usually square or rectangular. The size of the cage should not be too large. It is appropriate to use 20?-100? for ease of management and maintenance. The cages are usually made of polyethylene mesh. The size of the mesh depends on the size of the fish body, which is generally 2?-?. The cages used for Asian barramundi breeding are often divided into two types: floating cages and fixed cages. The size of the floating cage is generally 5m5m2m. This size is convenient for removing the contaminants from the cage. The specifications of the fixed cage are the same as those of the floating cage and are usually set in the shallow water bay. In cage culture, the initial stocking density of Asian barramundi is 40 to 50 pigs per year, and the stocking density should be gradually reduced during the breeding process. After 2 months and 3 months of breeding, the stocking density is reduced to 10 /?-20 tail/?.
V. Disease Prevention and Control During the breeding period, the prevention and treatment of Asian barramundi should be based on prevention. The water body requires regular disinfection and input of microbiological preparations such as photosynthetic bacteria to keep the water fresh and reduce the occurrence of diseases. Chlorine dioxide can be used for regular disinfection at an amount of 0, 2 ?/mu, disinfected every 15 days, and disinfected. On the third day after, photosynthetic bacteria were applied at an amount of 20 μg/mu. During the seedling cultivation period, the fish body is highly susceptible to hydromycosis, mechanical damage caused by grading and arranging, low temperature or heavy rain and other factors can all lead to the occurrence of the disease, and the disease can be treated by sprinkling 1ppm of moldy spirit. In the adult fish breeding period, common diseases include parasitic diseases and enteritis. The former can be treated with 0, 15 ppm of fish worm-eaten or insecticidal treatment, and the latter can be used to splash 1 ppm of bleach and 1 g of bleach/kg of body weight. The dosage is mixed with feed and fed for 5 days.

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