Winter tube technology of Fujiminori grape

1, trim. Through pruning, the vines are evenly distributed, the truss are fully utilized, the affiliation is clearly defined, the tree vigor is ensured, the relationship between the plant growth and the results is regulated, and the relationship between the underground and the ground is maintained in a balanced tree vigor. Continuous high yield, large grain and high quality create conditions. The best period of winter pruning is to enter the dormancy period completely, that is, normal pruning leaves after 15-30 days is the pruning period, and pruning should be completed before the injury period 15 days ago. The extent and requirements of the winter pruning of Fujiminori grapes are now described as follows:
(1) Short Tip Pruning: Leave 2-3 buds; (2) Tip Prune: Leave 4-5 buds; (3) Long Tip Prune: Leave 6-7 buds; (4) Ultra Short Tip Prune: Leave 1 Bud; (5) Long Tip Prune: Leave 8 or more buds; (6) Mixed pruning: On the same plant, the pruning method using a combination of long, medium, and short shoots is used.
When winter cutting, it is very important to correctly identify and select the resulting mother tree. Quality results of Fujiminori vines: Female twigs: dark purple in color, lustrous, with a branch diameter of 1-1.2 cm, nearly circular branches, well-developed xylem, thick section protrusions, meandering extensions, thick internodes, and full shoots The scales are tight, the less the better the pith, the tighter the organization, and the absence of pests and diseases. Particularly strong flat branches and thin and weak branches should not be cut off in principle.
2, fertilization. To make the Fujiminori grape productive, large-grained, and high-quality, it is necessary to apply basal fertilizer every year. The good condition of fertilizer and fertilizer is the nutrient guarantee for large fruit cultivation of Fujiminori grape. When fertilizing, part of the small root system is cut off to play a role in pruning the root system and promote hair growth. New roots can absorb large amounts of nutrients in the soil in the early spring of the following year. Shi Ji Fei can generally open ditch (hole) on both sides. The ditch (hole) is 40cm in depth and width, and 3000-5000kg of farmyard manure is used per mu, and mixed with superphosphate or calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer 50-100 kg, 1-2 kg borax, 25 kg slaked lime, and mixed with fine soil. Into the ditch (hole) bottom, and then cover the soil. The sooner the better the fertilization, can help restore the tree potential and increase the accumulation of organic nutrients in the tree.
3, Qingyuan. In the clearing in winter, diseased branches and leaves that were cut off from the winter were cleaned together with litter and burned or buried deeply. The temperature was sprayed on branches and ground with 1% proportion of sodium pentachlorophenol solution at 10°C, and was completely disinfected, and the pathogens left on the branches and on the ground were cleared.
4, antifreeze. In winter, there are freeze-damaged Fujiminori grape production areas, and antifreeze work should be paid attention to. The critical temperature of mature dendrobium vitis at the dormancy period is -17 to -19°C, while the critical temperature of the root system to low temperature is -5 to -7°C. Therefore, water should be promptly sprayed before the onset of frost damage. At the same time, it should be covered with straw, weeds, etc. to keep the soil loose and moist and improve the cold resistance.

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