Maintenance management during indoor decoration in winter

As winter approaches, potted plants enter the interior, and when the potted plants are used for indoor maintenance and management, attention should be paid to the following points:
1, temperature. Different potted flowers have different temperature requirements. The temperature in the same room cannot meet the needs of various potted flowers. Therefore, the indoor temperature should not be too high or too low. If the temperature is too high, the flowers will fade easily. If the temperature is too low, normal growth will be affected. . Hi warm potted plants can be placed near the heat source or in sunny places. In the shade or the entrance and exit, more hardy potted plants can be arranged.
2, humidity. Indoors, hi drought a potted flower should be placed in a strong light, good ventilation, such as placed in the shade, it will cause appetite; hi moist potted plants should not be placed in the sun, wet places, if the air is too dry, there will be The tip of the leaf is yellow. We must diligently water the soil to keep the pots and soil moist. Some potted plants often spray water at the leaves to create a moist environment to meet the water requirements of potted plants.
3, ventilation. Indoors, hi-dry potted plants should be placed in a well-ventilated place. When the sun is full at noon in winter, windows should be opened to allow air circulation. Snow is less or not open. When the interior is engaged in sanitation, it is necessary to spray water on the leaves frequently to remove the dust on the leaves so as to facilitate the respiration of the plants. Residual flowers and dead branches should also be cut off in time.
4, potted flower replacement. The potted flowers in the interior are not sufficient for the sun, the humidity is not enough, the air flow is small, and too much dust affects the plant growth. In particular, some precious species of flowers, such as the occurrence of yellow leaves, branches wilt or rot, it is not easy to raise. Therefore, in the room should always change the position, the best 5-7 days for a time, when the winter flower replacement position, pay attention to cold, usually in the sunny midday is appropriate, change the potted flowers do not let it suffer freezing injury.

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