Sowed Cabbage Planting and Management Suggestions in Autumn of 2006 in Tianjin

Cabbage is one of the main vegetables in the winter market in Tianjin, and it is also a traditional export vegetable in Tianjin. In August, the autumn sowing of cabbage in Tianjin is about to be planted. According to the climate characteristics and production situation this year, the promotion of vegetable technology in Tianjin With the combination of years of experience, the station proposes the following suggestions for the cultivation and management of Chinese cabbage in the fall of 2006:

1, species selection

Choose middle and late-maturing varieties with high quality, high yield, disease resistance, good commercial quality, and adaptability to local environmental conditions. Such as: autumnal green 75, Jinqiu 78 (fertility period 75-80 days) of Tianjin Kerun Vegetable Research Institute, Qiuyu 78 (fertility period about 75 days) of Jinnan “Shen Nong” seed industry, Jinqing of Jinbei Vegetable Institute 75 (about 75 days of fertility), Beijing No. 3, and Qiufeng No. 3.

2, sowing

According to the climate characteristics of this year and the weather forecast in August, it is recommended that sowing cabbages be broadcast properly in autumn this year. Appropriate sowing date should be looted from the rain from August 7 to August 11. For varieties with long growing period, large plant type, and strong disease resistance, they should be sowed early within the appropriate period. For mid-maturing varieties with a maturation period of about 75 days, they are sown late in the appropriate period.

Before sowing, soak in seeds with warm water at 50°C for 20 minutes, and stir constantly. Then remove the seeds and put them into cold water, rinse them, dry them, and reserve them. Seed disinfection can also be carried out using a seed dressing method, with 50% thiram WP equal to 0.4% of seed weight or 25% WP wettable powder equivalent to 0.3% of seed weight.

Cabbage per acre cultivation field with the amount of 150 to 250 grams. Seed sowing drills. According to the early, mid-maturing and late maturity of the variety, the ditch is divided into 42-60 cm rows and the ditch depth is about 1 cm. The seeds are evenly sown in the ditch, and the soil is sowed after the sowing.

3, field management

Thinning and Dingling: The first time the seedlings were between 4 and 5 leaves, and the second time between 7 and 8 leaves. When thinning, diseased seedlings, weak seedlings, uneven colors, and seedlings that do not have the characteristics of the variety should be eliminated. If the seeding is too dense, the seedlings can be increased once, and the seedlings can be established when the leaves are 9 to 10 leaves. Premature cultivars have a spacing of 40 to 42 centimeters, and about 4000 cultivars per mu. Middle to late-maturing cultivars have a 47 to 60 cm spacing, and about 2300 mu. If lack of seedlings should be timely replanting.

Intertillage and weeding: The first cultivating and weeding is carried out after the first seedling, with a depth of about 3 cm; the second cultivating is carried out after pouring the seedlings, and the depth is about 8 to 10 cm, but the plants are to be ploughed around, To protect the root system. In addition, one to two cultivators are required during seedling production. After the cultivator, it must be ensured that the surface of the mulberry is smooth, and the gorge is smooth, so that it is convenient for irrigation and drainage

Watering: Pour enough water before sowing and keep the soil moist after sowing. When watering, it is not possible to flood irrigation, but water should be poured. However, attention should be paid to timely drainage after heavy rain or heavy rain. After setting seedling water and applying seedling fertilizer, appropriate seedlings are to be planted during the rosette period. This period is generally 10 to 15 days. The first watering of the seedlings must not be flooded and flooded. Do not wait for the ground to see dryness, and then pour the second water. Then, according to the weather and soil conditions, pour water every 7-10 days. When watering, keep the water evenly. Consistent. Stop watering 7-8 days before harvest.

Top-dressing: After planting Dingmiao, “fertilizer” is applied, and 500-1,000 kilograms of fully organic fertilizer is applied per mu, or 10 kilograms of compound fertilizer. After the seedlings are finished, they must top-dress the "ball-fed fertilizer." Each mango will be fully decomposed with 1500-2000 kg of manure or 15-20 kg of compound fertilizer. In the middle of the ball, the combination of water topdressing and “heart filling” is applied. Each mu of top-dressing feces is diluted to 700-1,000 kg, or compound fertilizer is 10-15 kg. Dissolve fertilizer in water and flush it into the pot.

4. Pest control

According to the prediction of the plant protection department of the city, the diseases and insect pests of Chinese cabbage are moderately heavy. Meteorological conditions are favorable for the occurrence of viral diseases, soft rot, downy mildew, aphids, diamondback moth, cabbage caterpillars, and beet armyworm moths. Special attention should be paid to the use of drugs to meet pollution-free requirements.

Prevention of Chinese cabbage soft rot disease can be used 90% Kefeng pioneer 3000 ~ 5000 times or agricultural streptomycin or neophytin 4000 times, etc.; control downy mildew can use 25% metalaxyl 500 ~ 800 times Liquid or Fuxing 1000 ~ 1200 times liquid, etc.; control of cabbage virus disease, can spray a 20% virus A WP 500 times after Dingmiao, or spray 1.5% per acre disease plant 0.75 ~ 1 g (1000 Double liquid); to prevent dry Chinese cabbage heart disease, can be sprayed with 0.7% water calcium chloride and 5010-6 naphthalene acetate mixture, or spray "fight against Feng", from the beginning of the heart, every 7 days to the heart of leaves Spray once, spray a total of 3 to 5 times.

For the prevention and control of diamondback moth, biopesticides and chemical pesticides can be combined to combine long-acting and fast-acting methods. At present, the most effective pesticides include BT emulsion 500 times, double insecticide 500 times, 5% Suppressor, or stuck gram, or dish 1500 times. At the same time, it can also treat cabbage caterpillars. Yellow stripe beetle is an important pest during the seedling stage. The prevention and control should be based on the larvae easier to control than the adults. When planting soil before sowing, apply 3% phoxim granules, 4 to 5 kg per mu, or 40% of Xin. Thionine 1000 times 250 kg sprayed soil to control larvae, reducing the population base. In addition, the use of 40% dimethoate EC 1000 ~ 1500 times, or 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 1000 ~ 2000 times spray can effectively control aphids.

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