What are the autumn health detoxification foods?

The accumulation of toxins in the body not only accelerates the deterioration of the skin, constipation, bad breath, but also leads to premature aging. Detox drugs on the market have toxic side effects. How can we detoxify them? These simple and inexpensive ingredients are your good helper for detoxification.

Eat several kinds a day, no more toxins come. The accumulation of toxins in the body not only accelerates the deterioration of the skin, constipation, bad breath, but also leads to premature aging. Detox drugs on the market have toxic side effects. How can we detoxify them? These simple and inexpensive ingredients are your good helper for detoxification. Eat several kinds a day, no more toxins come.

Do you want to be healthy? Now introduce 10 excellent detoxification foods for you to stay away from illness! How to detox, not too lazy to prepare dishes, then choose the following ingredients.

These foods are very close to the people. We can make them at home. All beverage ingredients are chosen based on the principle of low calorie and rich cellulose. They are very helpful in maintaining good health. We choose our favorite beverages, insist on daily drinking, and regularly remove toxins from the body. Rubbish, the lower abdomen flattened itself.

1, lemon - Qingfei net blood

Lemon contains various nutrients such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C. It is also rich in organic acids, citric acid, and highly alkaline.

The high alkaline properties of lemon relieves cough, phlegm, spleen and spleen, effectively helping the lungs to detoxify.

Due to the degeneration of blood circulation, the blood circulation of the brain is hindered and the normal work of brain cells is hindered, resulting in memory deterioration. The lemon contains water-soluble vitamin C, which can effectively improve the problem of poor blood circulation and help normal detoxification of blood.

Eating lemon every day helps strengthen memory and increase the flexibility of thinking and reaction.

2, lychee - kidney detoxification

Litchi sweet and sour, warm, there is Spleen Yigan, thirst, detoxification, antidiarrheal and other effects. Litchi contains vitamin A, vitamin B1, and vitamin C. It also contains pectin, free amino acids, proteins, and iron, phosphorus, and calcium.

It has been proved by medical science that litchi has an effect of tonifying the kidneys, improving liver function, accelerating toxins excretion, promoting cell formation, and making the skin delicate. It is an ideal fruit for detoxification and beauty.

3, bamboo leaf tea - heat Chufan

5 grams of bamboo leaves, Rhizoma Imperatae 5 grams, 2 grams of lotus leaf, into the cup, soaked in boiling water, when the tea drinking. One dose daily.

Bamboo leaves are light and cold, with good heat and besides irritability, fluid and diuresis; Rhizoma Imperatae, Gan Han, with heat diuretic, cooling blood to stop bleeding effect; lotus leaves bitter taste, sexual Xinliang, Qingshu Lishi, hemostasis .

This side is suitable for people who have bleeding from the skin and nose in summer.

4, Chinese cabbage - dilute the intestinal toxin

Chinese Cabbage is refreshing, appetizing and spleen. It contains protein, fat, various vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Often, it helps to enhance immune function, and it also has meaning for healthy bodybuilding.

Cabbage contains a lot of crude fiber, can promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, prevent dry stool, promote bowel movements, dilute the intestinal toxins, both to treat constipation, but also help nutrient absorption.

Cabbage contains the active ingredient indole-3-carbinol, a substance that helps the body break down estrogens associated with breast cancer development. If women eat about 500 grams of cabbage each day, they can reduce the incidence of breast cancer.

5, three-color bean soup - relieve fatigue

White lentils, red beans, green beans each 30 grams, porridge eat, once a day.

White lentils are lukewarm and sweet, and have the effect of invigorating the spleen and dampness, and refreshing the body in summer. Green beans are cold, can clear away heat and relieve heat, diuretic swelling, nourish skin and quench thirst, are commonly used summer foods.

Red beans good solution of toxic water, heat to wet, spleen and diarrhea. This soup is sweet and delicious, it can heat and dehumidify. Regular meals help relieve fatigue.

6, bitter gourd - to stimulate immunity

The study found that there is an active protein in bitter gourd that has a significant anti-cancer effect. This protein can stimulate the defense function of the immune system in vivo, increase the activity of immune cells, and eliminate toxic substances in the body.

Although bitter taste bitter, but sweet aftertaste, in recent years, gradually swept the table. Especially women, eating bitter gourd is also beneficial.

7, diluted vinegar - neutralizing toxins

A lot of vinegar is too much for gastrointestinal stimulation, but diluted vinegar is very beneficial for weight loss. Vinegar is rich in amino acids and certain glycolytic enzymes, as well as a variety of unsaturated fatty acids.

Frequently diluted vinegar can promote intestinal peristalsis, lower blood lipids, neutralize toxins, and maintain ecological flora balance in the intestinal environment.

8, tea - detox drink

Tea is considered a natural detox drink. Drinking tea is often a good way to promote digestion and detoxification. Drinking tea after meals is a good habit for health and weight loss. Therefore, drinking tea between meals is a very effective detoxification method.

The most effective detoxification slimming teas include dandelion tea, mint tea, ginger tea, green tea, and other herbal teas. Among them, dandelion tea has a very important role in protecting the liver, purifying the blood, and excreting excess toxins in the body; while ginger tea can achieve the effect of detoxification through perspiration;

In addition, the catechins contained in green tea can help to speed up the metabolism of the body, which can greatly help the acceleration of intestinal motility and the elimination of metabolites. This is also the main reason why it is welcomed by dieters.

9, honey water - detoxification

Studies have shown that glucose and fructose, the main components of honey, are easily absorbed and utilized by the body. Eat honey can achieve the effect of excreting toxins and beauty.

Drink a glass of honey water 40 minutes after breakfast every day and 40 minutes before going to bed at night. This will help you to lose weight quickly and easily.

10, soy milk - detoxification fat burning

Soymilk is not only rich in nutrients and low in calories, it also helps stimulate fat burning. The proteins, isoflavones, and glycosides in soymilk constantly stimulate the fat cells in your body to burn.

Drinking soy milk can at least double the rate of fat burning in your body. In addition, soymilk is also a healthy drink that helps remove toxins from the body.

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