The disadvantage of drinking green tea on an empty stomach

The disadvantage of drinking green tea on an empty stomach

Drinking tea brings us a healthy life, enjoys the pleasure of savoring life, and brings a strong body. However, some bad habits do not bring health to bring about harm. I believe that people who drink tea often have an early habit of drinking tea, especially drinking green tea, but the disadvantage of drinking green tea on an empty stomach, do you know how much? Today tea brand network for you to explain.

The health effects of green tea are well known to everyone. With the deepening of research on the role of green tea in the world, green tea seems to have become the best choice for health care for many people. Many people keep tea cups all day and green tea does not leave the mouth, but drinking green tea on an empty stomach is not good for gastrointestinal health care.

Green tea is tea that has not been fermented. It retains many natural substances in fresh leaves. Among them, tea polyphenols and caffeine can retain more than 85% of fresh leaves. The components in green tea are anti-aging, anti-cancer and anti-cancer. Sterilization, anti-inflammation and other effects are indeed effective and unmatched by other teas. But it is also these natural ingredients that, if consumed on an empty stomach, have an adverse effect on the human body. On an empty stomach, some of the active substances in the tea bind to the proteins in the stomach, causing irritation to the stomach, which can easily hurt the stomach.

In addition to stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract, drinking tea on an empty stomach will also dilute the digestive juice and affect digestion. At the same time, when fasting, some of the tea's contents are easily absorbed in excess, such as caffeine and fluoride. Caffeine can cause symptoms such as palpitation, dizziness, weakness in the hands and feet, and convulsions in some people, and it is medically known as the phenomenon of “tea intoxication”. Once the phenomenon of tea drunk occurs, you can eat a piece of sugar or drink a cup of sugar water. The above symptoms can be relieved and disappear. If fluoride accumulates in the body, it can cause intestinal diseases and affect kidney function.

Elderly people suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers are even less likely to drink green tea on an empty stomach in the morning. The tannic acid in tea will stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, leading to aggravation of the disease and indigestion or constipation.

The downside of drinking green tea on an empty stomach is the above description. Green tea is the largest tea produced in China. Its producing areas are distributed in all tea producing provinces and cities. Green tea not only has a long and fragrant taste, but also has excellent quality, unique shape and high artistic appreciation value. The effectiveness of radiation protection of green tea is the most in the tea. Computer owners should prepare green tea leaves in the office. With more and more awareness of tea, the number of people who have expanded tea affiliation and tea wholesale business has gradually increased. Xiao Bian reminds everyone that when choosing a franchisee, they must look for formal and well-known tea enterprises.

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