Oolong tea's weight loss

Oolong tea's weight loss

Oolong tea is also called green tea, which is a semi-fermented tea. Oolong tea's weight loss function can make a person lose 36 kilograms in six months, and successfully get rid of the hyperglycemia, high blood pressure and high blood lipid entanglement, you believe it? Believe it or not, look at the tea net for your finishing related Information, you know.

Oolong tea combines the methods of green tea and black tea. The quality is between the two, both the richness of black tea and the fragrance of green tea. Oolong tea contains a large amount of tea polyphenols, can increase the role of lipolytic enzymes, lower blood cholesterol levels, have lower blood pressure, anti-oxidation, anti-aging and anti-cancer effects.

Zhang Zhiren, professor of the Faculty of Medicine at Taiwan Chenggong University, recently published a study in the Journal of Obesity. He pointed out that the weight-loss effect of oolong tea, people who regularly drink oolong tea, body mass index and fat content are lower than those who drink less. Moreover, women lose weight significantly more than men.

Although the West has always been skeptical about the slimming efficacy of Oolong tea, Chinese medical researchers have recently stated that Oolong tea does have such miraculous effects as breaking down fat and losing weight. Guo Xirong, the recipient of the “Soong Ching Ling Paediatric Medicine Award,” believes that Oolong tea contains more tea enzymes and can effectively reduce subcutaneous fat.

Professor Zhang explained the slimming effect of oolong tea because oolong tea, in addition to black tea and green tea, can stimulate the activity of pancreatic lipolysis enzymes, reduce the absorption of sugar and fat foods, and accelerate the increase in body calorie production. Promote fat burning, especially reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat.

The weight loss experience of Stephen Oolong tea is that you should drink a cup of oolong tea before and after meals. Professor Zhang reminded everyone that it is best to drink hot tea without sugar. Also, do not drink immediately after a meal. It's more appropriate every hour or so.

A magazine in Taiwan introduced the American American Stephen's drink to lose weight and successfully lose weight, so that people's slimming effect of oolong tea admiration.

With regard to the slimming effect of oolong tea, it is the above-mentioned introduction. I hope that the above examples can give you a better understanding of oolong tea. Fat MMs do not have to worry about side effects. This is a natural tea. Just try proper and moderate drinking, and you can Thin down healthily.

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