Identification of smut of corn in corn field and comprehensive prevention measures

Hazardous symptoms: The main feature of tumor smut is the formation of enlarged tumors on the diseased plant. Tassels, ears, aerial roots, stems, leaves, sheaths, axillary buds and other parts of the corn can produce tumors, but the shapes and sizes vary greatly. Tumors are nearly spherical, angular, rod-shaped, or irregular, some are solitary, some are clustered or stacked, and they vary in size. The appearance of the tumor is a white, off-white film. The inside is tender, white, soft and juicey, and turns gray and black when mature. In general, a corn can produce multiple tumors. Cause: The occurrence of turfgrass in corn tumors is related to factors such as climatic conditions, number of bacteria, and breed resistance. 1. Climate conditions High temperature and high humidity are favorable for the germination of teliospores, while the host tissues grow soft and vulnerable. Maize is affected by drought, especially drought before young panicle differentiation, plant resistance to disease declines, and at the same time due to the inability to quickly pass through the stage of maturity and extend the period of disease. Therefore, the wet and high-temperature climate after the drought is the main reason for the disease. In addition, storms or hail can cause a great deal of mechanical damage and aggravate the disease. 2. Cultivation conditions for many years of continuous plots, accumulated a large number of pathogens, serious illness. In drought-sparing areas, the residual fungal winter spores in the field are prone to survive in sandy soils lacking organic matter. In the following year, the amount of newly infected bacteria is large and the incidence is often heavier. In wet areas or irrigated areas, it is rich in moisture. In organic soils, the pathogenic teliospores are easy to germinate or are susceptible to death from other microorganisms, and their incidence is often light. Therefore, the northern corn area is heavier than the southern corn. 3. There is a difference in disease resistance among varieties of disease-resistant varieties. In general, hybrid varieties, durum corn varieties, thick, long, tight varieties, and drought-tolerant varieties are more resistant to disease. Sweet corn and dent corn were more susceptible. 4. Inappropriate treatment of diseased plants Because some farmers do not process corn stalks piled up on the roadside of the village all year round, some even throw the pathogenic black spores into the fields, causing them to spread to the nearby plots with the wind. Infected again, the cornfield blocks near the village roadside are heavier. Prevention and control measures: Corn smut disease should be taken to reduce bacteria source, prevention-based comprehensive prevention measures. 1. Reducing Yinyuan thoroughly removes field-diseases and turns the ground in autumn. When straw is used as a fertilizer, it must be thoroughly cooked. Severely affected fields have a 2-3 year rotation. During the corn growing period, combined with field management, when the tumor is not discolored, it is cut off early and the cut tumors are brought out of the field. 2. When choosing disease-resistant varieties for resistance-resistant varieties, it is necessary to take into account other diseases, generally planting medium-degree disease-resistant varieties, and combining other control measures to better control the disease. 3. To strengthen the cultivation and management of close planting, to avoid partial nitrogen fertilizer; timely irrigation, especially before and after tasseling to strengthen irrigation; timely control of corn borer and other pests; to minimize mechanical damage. 4. Chemicals seed dressing mu with 2% tebuconazole dry and wet mix 10 g seed dressing. 5. Manual removal In the early stage of disease or after the detasseling of corn, pathogenic bacteria “tumors” at the site of the disease should be manually removed, and the bags should be taken out of the field for deeper incineration or incineration to reduce the amount of bacteria in the field. Must not be random, still unwitting. Http://

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