How to choose herbicide for green vegetable production

Although herbicides, one of the pesticides, are much less toxic to humans and animals than insecticides, we must not overlook the effect of herbicides on green vegetables.

First, choose herbicides according to the category of herbicides

1, from the absorption mode. Herbicides have four types of selective conduction, selective contact, selective absorption, and contact-killing. Intramuscular conduction herbicide refers to spraying on a certain leaf of a plant. After being absorbed, it can be transferred to another leaf, flower, fruit and root, or sprayed on the surface of the soil and absorbed by the root of the plant, and can be transmitted to the leaf. , flowers and fruit department. Contact killing herbicide refers to a certain leaf that is sprayed on the plant, will not be transmitted to other leaves, and will not be transmitted to the roots, flowers and fruits of the plant. Similarly, contact-killing herbicides sprayed onto the surface of the soil are not transmitted through the roots to the leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits. For herbicides, contact herbicides should be used as far as possible, such as: Gore, E-caoxime, etc., or herbicides with poor conductibility in the herbicides that are absorbed by the herbicide, such as herbicides.

2, from the residual considerations. Strictly speaking, after the application of the systemic herbicide, there are more or less residues in the plant body. To this end, the vegetable field should try not to absorb conductive chemical herbicide, bio-herbicide can be used to replace, such as the United States fungal herbicide pucciniacanall-cuiata can effectively control the sedge of vegetable land, with colletotrihumtruneatum control cannabis fields, with c. Coccodes control castor.

3, consider from the processing mode. According to the herbicide treatment method, it is divided into herbicide herbicide and soil treatment herbicide. Stem and leaf treatments generally do not produce residue in the soil after herbicide spraying; soil treatment herbicides will remain in the soil for a residual period of validity, ranging from a week to many years or longer. This residual period will result in the failure of sprouting vegetables or germination. Sulfonylureas and imidazole herbicides are strictly prohibited before vegetable plots. It is also not suitable to use Simazin and Fumeron that will poison soils. Leafy vegetables try not to treat herbicides with stems and leaves, and rooted vegetables should be treated with herbicides such as amides and dinitroaniline herbicides. Rice fields that have been used for quick killing are not suitable for vegetable fields.

4, from the toxicity considerations. According to acute oral, dermal toxicity and chronic toxicity, herbicides are divided into four categories: high toxicity, poisoning, low toxicity and microtoxicity. With the exception of sodium pentachlorophenate and paraquat, most of the herbicides are toxic to slightly toxic. It is forbidden to use highly toxic and poisonous herbicides in vegetables. Low-toxicity and micro-toxic herbicides can be used. However, some herbicides are acute oral and transdermal toxicity is low toxicity, but determination of chronic toxicity has teratogenic, carcinogenic, mutagenic effects, and is strictly prohibited in the application of vegetables, such as herbicide ether, cable and so on.

5, consider from the dosage form. Herbicide formulations include powders, emulsifiable concentrates, liquids, granules, soluble powders, smoke sprays, oils, suspensions, and tablets. Herbicides of various types are added with additives such as solvents, wetting agents, etc. Emulsifiers, suspending agents or stabilizers. The introduction of these auxiliaries will increase the toxicity of the herbicide, but it also increases the possibility of phytotoxicity. Therefore, the use of emulsifiable concentrates, oils, suspensions, smokers, and tablets should be avoided in vegetable fields.

6. Consider the degree of odor and pollution. Protected vegetables and greenhouse vegetables should avoid the use of herbicides with strong irritating odors. Some herbicides have caused pollution and contamination of the containers. For example, the use of 2,4-D butyl ester within 500 meters of the wind on the vegetable surface and within 500 meters of the downwind may harm the vegetables. Sprayers sprayed with 2,4-DJ, even when cleaned, spray vegetables with other herbicides that can damage vegetables. In addition, butachlor, trifluralin, and herbadan must not be used in the vegetable fields. You cannot use herbicide-enriched herbicides or herbicides around vegetable fields.

Second, according to the category of herbicides

1, leafy vegetables. Including cabbage, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, mustard, cauliflower, cabbage, leeks, leeks, parsley, celery, lettuce, garland chrysanthemum, spinach and so on. This type of vegetable does not promote the use of herbicides. If necessary, large-benefit, weed-pass can be used for soil treatment before seeding (post celery and lettuce should not be used for large benefits), or soil treatment should be carried out before planting with Gore, Ethocaprofen, and Vegetable Zhuang No. 2. The celery seedlings field can be used to treat the soil before sorgolide, gourd, and oxadiazem sowing; the lettuce, chives can be used to treat the soil before the planting; the garland chrysanthemum and leeks can be used for weed control. After sowing, soil treatment before seedling; spinach land without surrounding wells can be used to kill the herbaceous grass; coriander with diclamylan before sowing soil treatment, this type of vegetable land can not use sulfonylurea herbicides, spinach can not be used Acetochlor.

2, Liliaceae, root vegetables, yam vegetables. Including leeks, garlic, green onions, onions, lilies, garlic, carrots, carrots, kohlrabi, potatoes, ginger, yams, etc. The leek has a short growing period, frequent harvesting, and leaf feeding. Herbicides are not used as much as possible. If necessary, the contact-killing micro-toxic herbicide Gore can be selected to spray after harvesting the old leek. Garlic, Lily, Potato, Ginger, and Yam have a long growth period, and they are mainly edible bulbs and tubers. Garlic and edible garlic can be treated in the early stage of soil treatment or in the early stage after seedling. Garlic ether, vegetable strong 2, etc. Green garlic, green onions and onions have a short growth period and can only be treated with a contact-killer soil treatment agent. Radishes and carrots can be used as herbicides with poor conductivity, such as weed control.

3, eggplant vegetables. Including eggplant, tomato, pepper and so on. This kind of vegetables should not use stem and leaf treatment agent, before the transplant can be used contact killing soil treatment agent if Seoul, evil spirits or contact with the main absorption of the role of a strong absorption of the vegetable on the 2nd, diretinal.

4, vegetables vegetables. Including cucumber, pumpkin, melon, gourd, melon, bitter gourd, chayote, zucchini and so on. It is strictly prohibited to use acetochlor in this type of vegetables, and it is better to use the herbicides, Goer, and Estraxen for soil treatment after sowing.

5, beans vegetables. Including kidney beans, kidney beans, soybeans, peas, beans, lentils, etc. There are many herbicides suitable for legumes and vegetables, but herbicides are still the first choice for soil treatment, such as soil treatment with diternamidine, vegetable Zhuang No.1, and Ethocaproterone before sowing.

6, aquatic vegetables. Including loquat, Ling Bai, Sagittatus and so on. Aquatic vegetables should not use herbicides as much as possible, but if necessary, low-toxic vegetable cultivar No.1, wormwood and other insects can be used.

7, special vegetables. Including asparagus, burdock, lettuce, artichoke, embalm, leeks, malan, chrysanthemum brain and so on. Goat can be used for soil treatment before or after transplanting.

Third, according to the type of weeds selected herbicides weeds are divided into three categories: barnyardgrass, sedges and broadleaf grass.

1, scrawl. In broad-leaved vegetable fields, weed control can be used to obtain net, fine-stabilized or Wei-pao for stem-leaf spraying, and large-scale beneficial soil treatment is also available.

2, sedge. Soil treatment can be done with sapropelon.

3, broadleaf grass. It can be treated with low-dose soils of Gore and Etoxin.

4, valerian + broadleaf grass. Available diaminoamine, weeding through soil treatment.

5, sedge + broadleaf grass. Glyphosate can be used to carry out the destruction of stems and leaves before planting.

6, valerian + sedge + broadleaf grass. Can be used Gore, Euphorbia normal amount or vegetable Zhuang No. 2, vegetable Zhuang No. 1, low levels of soil and vegetable ether treatment.

Fourth, according to cultivation methods and environmental conditions selected herbicides

1, the protection of vegetables. The humidity in the protective vegetable film is large, which is conducive to the growth of vegetables and also conducive to the reproduction of weeds. It is advisable to apply a contact-killing soil treatment herbicide at low doses before or after sowing.

2, exposed vegetables. There are many types of herbicides available, and the herbicides described in this article can be selected.

3, arid areas of vegetable land. The use of soil treatment herbicides in arid regions cannot be guaranteed and leaf treatment agents can be used instead. However, the spraying period of the foliar treatment agent should have a sufficient safety interval with the vegetable harvesting period.

4, rainy areas of vegetable land. In rainy areas, herbicides are mainly used for soil treatment, and the use of low doses can achieve the purpose of grass control. Herbicides for stems and leaves are not recommended.

5. Vegetable land with high soil organic matter. Herbicides can be treated with soil and herbicides with stems and leaves are not recommended.

6, barren soil vegetable land. Avoid the use of soil treatment herbicides, can use low-dose foliar treatment agent, but the foliar treatment spraying period and the vegetable picking period should have enough safety intervals.

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