Causes and Prevention of Long Spots of Flammulina velutipes

Black spot

This is a bacterial disease caused by Pseudomonas. After onset, the mushroom mushroom cap emerged as an oval brown or dark brown freckled, with a needle-like shape initially. After expansion, the diameter reached 2 to 4 mm. The edges were neat and sometimes the cap was cracked.

Control methods: The most important thing is to control the appropriate temperature and humidity. When watering the mushroom house, water should not be directly sprinkled on the fruit body of E. velutipes, and in particular it cannot be sprayed with cold water. The humidity inside the mushroom house cannot be higher than 90% for a long time. It depends on the change of weather and watering. The sunny watering should be light, diligent and fine, and the rainy days should be less sprinkled or not watered. Increase the ventilation after each watering and then cover the film. The indoor temperature during the fruiting period should be adjusted to below 17°C. Mushrooms should be removed in time after onset and sprayed with 100-200 units of streptomycin or 600 times of bleaching powder per ml.

Rust spot disease

The disease caused by Pseudomonas, mainly impregnated mushroom mushroom cap, the initial needle-like, and later expanded into the size of sesame seeds, the edge is not neat, but the lesions can be linked to each other into a large irregular rust.

Control methods: In order to prevent the occurrence of rust spot, do not sprinkle directly on the fruiting body when spraying the mushroom house, and timely ventilation after spraying. The relative humidity of the indoor air should not exceed 95% for a long time. The moisture of the fruit body should be treated when the surface of the bacteria bag covers the plastic film. After drying. At the beginning of the disease, germs should be prevented from spreading to healthy fruiting bodies and sprayed with 50% carbendazim 800-fold or 100-200 units of agricultural streptomycin per ml.

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