Snowy weather, greenhouse vegetable management points

In case of snowfall in winter, the sunlight in the greenhouse will cause insufficient light and the temperature will drop. If the duration is long and has a great influence on the vegetables in the greenhouse, the following management measures shall be taken to protect the seedlings.

1, increase the cover. Increase the thickness of the grass cover, make the thickness of the grass cover more than 3 cm, and then cover the grass cover with a layer of plastic film to implement the double film cover grass cover. This will not only improve the insulation effect of the greenhouse, but also protect the grasshopper from being destroyed by rain and snow.

2, pay attention to uncover the grasshopper. In sunny days, the grass cover must be covered as early as possible to extend the time for the vegetables to see light. On cloudy days, it can be properly covered and covered early to avoid excessive heat loss in the shed. On cloudy snow days, grasshoppers should be uncovered at noon to allow vegetables to be scattered. Irradiation, the long-term darkness of vegetables will cause light starvation, yellow leaves or even fall off, can not be uncovered for several days. When the weather suddenly turns fine, do not immediately uncover the grasshoppers. In this way, the leaves of the vegetables will be drooping and wilting due to the sudden exposure to strong light. The grasshoppers or spaces should be gradually uncovered so that the vegetables can gradually adapt to strong light.

3, appropriate heating. When the greenhouse temperature drops to 4-5°C, the greenhouse vegetables, such as cucumbers and eggplants, will suffer freezing injury. When the low temperature cold weather shed cools down to 5°C, charcoal, corn cobs, etc. should be burned into the shed to temporarily warm up when they are not smoked, and conditions can be used to ignite and warm up with liquefied petroleum gas, so that while heating, It can increase the carbon dioxide concentration in the shed, which is conducive to the growth of vegetables.

4, appropriate control of the amount of results. In the conditions of continuous snowfall, low temperature and lack of light, the photosynthetic capacity of the leaves of the vegetables is weak, and the nutrients produced are not enough to meet the needs of the normal results of the eggplant vegetables. If the fruits are left as they are under normal weather conditions, the plants will be aggravated. The burden is to weaken the plant growth and reduce the resistance to stress. Under adverse climatic conditions, appropriate amount of thinning and fruit thinning should be applied to the plants to make the plants less fruitful, so as to ensure the nutrient requirement for nutrient growth, and then turn into normal management when the weather turns good.

5, strictly control the fertilizer. Watering on cloudy snow days will cause excessive humidity in the shed, lower ground temperature, root and rot roots, and strict water control. After the watering, the weather was cloudy, and it was ventilated and ventilated for a short time at noon.

6, spray nutrition solution. Under the condition of long-term low-temperature and low-temperature illumination, the accumulation of photosynthetic substances in vegetable plants was insufficient, and the leaves were easily thinned and yellowed. A 1% sucrose solution could be used to supplement nutrients to spray wet foliage.

7, correct prevention and treatment of diseases. Bad weather can easily lead to slow growth of vegetables, malformed fruits, yellowing of the lower leaves, and so on. They must not blindly apply drugs before they are diagnosed. In order to avoid phytotoxicity, wait until the sun is diagnosed and then treat the disease. It is forbidden to use spraying method to apply pesticides, spraying powder or smoking tobacco to apply pesticides, to avoid increasing humidity in the greenhouse and aggravating diseases.

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