Pest Control Methods for Several Harmless Vegetables

1, pig bile control method. A 10% by volume solution of pig bile plus an appropriate amount of baking soda and detergent solution can prevent eggplant blight and pepper anthracnose, and can also drive aphids and cabbage caterpillars on vegetables such as long bean and green beans. Snails and other pests. The diluted liquid can be maintained for 10 days without failure.

2, plant ash solution pest control method. According to the method of using 10 kilograms of ash per acre, 50 kg of grass ash can be immersed in water and soaked for 24 hours, and the filtrate can be sprayed, which can effectively control aphids and melon pests. If the appropriate amount of trichlorfon is added to the solution of grass ash, it will enhance the contact and fumigation of pesticides, and increase the killing effect on locusts. Such as onions, garlic, leeks and other susceptible to the species fly, onion fly maggots harm, can be applied per acre or planting herb ash 20-30 kg, so that can play a role in both the prevention and production.

3, smelly pills to prevent tiger law. Every 10 kilograms of water is added into two fine powdered pills (sanitary balls), and after they are dissolved, they are sprayed on the leaves of the vegetables or watered on the roots of the vegetables. The effective period of prevention and control can reach 7-10 days, and once again after 10 days, the prevention and control rate can reach over 98%.

4, rabbit feces control law. Each 1 kilogram of water plus 1 kilogram of rabbit feces, Sheng in the barrel or in the tile tank, sealed and tamped 15-20 days, stir with time, pour in the roots of vegetables. It can both prevent and control pests such as the ground tiger, and can also top-dress the crops.

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