How to Prevent the Disease of Ginger During Winter Storage

It is now in the winter. Ginger is not stored in the winter. Diseases often occur. How should we prevent the occurrence of diseases?

1. Rickets is a major disease in ginger storage. It is a contagious disease during storage and gradually spreads as soon as conditions are right in storage.

Control methods: Before storage, strictly remove diseased ginger. Ginger should be selected to be robust, pure in color, strong in ginger, free of lesions, and non-injury. After harvesting, it was exposed to sunlight for 1 to 2 days to kill bacteria and dry the epidermis. Let some ginger evaporate some water to prevent it from rot due to excessive moisture. During storage, it should be checked at any time and it is found that rickets are cleared in time to avoid infection.

2. Mycosis Mycosis is the appearance of a layer of black plaque or rotten skin on the surface of ginger. It is prone to occur when the tubers are injured and the environment is appropriate. As the disease progresses, white mold and black mold gradually penetrate into the tuber.

Control methods: Do a good job of disinfection of storage pits. At present, the commonly used disinfection methods are two methods: smoke and spraying a certain amount of quick lime in the cellar. The method is simple and easy and the results are very good.

3. Cold damage ginger storage, due to uneven cooling and heat, improper ventilation, cold air suddenly entered the storage environment, so that ginger frozen. Ginger after being chilled is prone to water and soon deteriorates and rots.

Prevention methods: pay attention to changes in the weather and strengthen antifreeze and warm measures. When the minimum temperature dropped to around 8°C, the straw was covered with straw and kept warm. It began to cover about 5 to 7 centimeters thick. After that, it gradually thickened the straw as the temperature dropped, and finally covered the soil.


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