Eat summer bitter melons in the summer

In the hot summer days, people can easily get angry. They both hurt kidney qi and hurt the spleen and stomach. They often feel tired and drowsy. Eating bitter gourd can relieve the lack of summer heat, stimulate people's appetite, appetizer stomach, aid digestion, help to improve immunity, it is the most suitable melon vegetables for summer.

As the weather gets hotter, the appetite is not good. If you eat cold drinks, you will easily get flatulence or diarrhea. It is also easy to cause acute gastroenteritis because of a cold, which can lead to fever, cough, and diarrhea. They all appear. Therefore, it is best to protect the stomach in the summer and it is best to eat hot ingredients. Yang Xiaohong, general director of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, recommends eating bitter gourd, but should not eat too much.

The vitamin C content of balsam pear is the highest among melons, containing 56-84 mg per 100 g, which is about 5 times that of melon and 6-9 times that of cucumber. Its carotene, riboflavin and minerals are also rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus. The bitter taste of bitter gourd has the effect of stimulating the secretion of gastric juice. The bitter taste comes from the bitter melon, bittersin and quinine contained in it. Quinine has the effect of inhibiting the excitement of body temperature.

Bitter melon tastes bitter cold and has the function of clearing away heat and purging fire. "Compendium of Materia Medica," said that it can "remove irritability, lack of solution, eliminate the heart and eyesight." Modern research shows that bitter gourd contains saponins that stimulate insulin release and reduce blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. It was found in animal experiments that extracts of bitter gourd have antimutagenic and immunomodulatory effects and can inhibit the spread of cancer cells.

“Summer is hot, people can easily get angry, and it hurts kidney and hurts the spleen and stomach. They often feel tired and drowsy. Eating bitter gourd can relieve summer heat and lack of appetite, stimulate people’s appetite, help their stomach, help digestion, and help improve immunity. It is the most suitable melon vegetables to eat in the summer." Yang Xiaohong stressed that bitter gourd is cold, so Yang deficiency, chills and cold people should not eat bitter gourd, spleen and stomach Deficiency, loose stools, people should not eat raw bitter gourd, so as not to Increase diarrhea. In addition, women should not eat bitter gourd before and after menstruation.

Method for reducing bitterness of bitter gourd

First, the water bream, the bitter gourd cut open to simmer, slicing or block, boiled with boiling water, the longer the cooking time, the more the bitterness is removed, but the more vitamin C is also lost, so, to control the time moderate;

The second is salting. Salt the cut melon slices, mix well, and drain the leached water.

The third is to soak, put the melon slices in cold water for about 10 minutes, the middle can change the water once or twice.

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