Lotus is the first choice for the elderly

According to folk stories, there was a lady in ancient times. She was treated by a woman who had insomnia for a long time. The prince turned a lotus into the water, saying that it was shaped like a water lily and could cure insomnia. As a result, insomniacs found lotus flowers in the lotus blossoms, stripped lotus seeds to eat, and finally had to sleep. The "Dream of Red Mansions" mentioned in the fifty-two visits mentioned Jianlian Red Dates Soup, referring to the lotus seeds produced in Jianning County of Fujian Province. At that time, it was a tribute.

Lotus seeds are food and drugs, produced in the lake pond in the warm area, produced in Hunan said Xianglian, produced in Jiangsu called Lake Lotus. Lotus must be a flower in the lotus flower, can kidney pure heart, bleeding solid. Lotus leaves are lotus leaves, can be heat and dampness, bleeding and cooling, modern research found that it has a certain role in lowering blood pressure, lowering blood pressure. Lotus room is a lotus seed receptacle, which has a role in eliminating blood stasis and stopping bleeding. Lotus seeds are tender green buds in the lotus seeds. They are bitterly cold and can be detoxified. The lotus root is the section of the underground stem of lotus, which has astringent hemostasis function, and it also serves as a drug for hemoptysis and hemoptysis.

Lotus seeds are the mature seeds of lotus, and are used to restore the spleen, kidney, and heart meridian. The virtual annoying palpitation, insomnia, insomnia, spleen diarrhea, loss of appetite, kidney embolism emission, lotus eat beneficial. The "Ben Jing" said that the lotus seeds "mainly make up the mind, keep one's mind, and benefit Qi". "Herbal Supplements" said that the lotus seeds "make hair (hair - editor) black, not old." "Compendium of Materia Medica," said lotus seeds "solid gas, strong bones and muscles, make up for damage."

The vitality of lotus seeds is very strong, and it is said that after several hundred years, lotus seeds can still germinate germ and have a long-lasting momentum. This has triggered many people's wishful thinking about the prolonged life of many lotus seeds.

Modern research shows that lotus seeds contain not only various vitamins and trace elements, but also lotus leaf, stingray and other substances, which are effective in treating neurasthenia, chronic gastritis, indigestion, and hypertension. Animal experiments showed that lotus seeds can increase the activity of T-lymphocytes in thymic cortex of rats. Lotus polysaccharides can improve the immunosuppressive effect of chemotherapy drug cyclophosphamide on mice, and can also increase the activity of certain enzymes, and have a certain anti-aging effect.

Lotus seeds are bitter, cold, and have a clear heart and heat effect. Today people use tea instead, but they should be careful not to overdo it. If the stomach is cold, do not use it. If you are fasting, you should not drink. Lotus Shibuya intestinal diarrhea, old physically weak, dry stools do not use. Lotus seeds are the products that close the astringent and hurt the yin. Therefore, it is not appropriate to use dry stools due to yin deficiency, heat, and dryness. Lotus seeds should not be eaten with persimmons and persimmons to prevent aggravation of constipation.

Anshen puzzle is used for insomnia, forgetfulness, upset, anxiety. 20 grams of lotus seeds meat, 10 grams of Yizhiren, 30 grams of lily, simmer over low heat, add a little sugar, drink sooner or later.

Spleen Zhixie side for spleen deficiency diarrhea, or cancer patients caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, less food, poor appetite, nausea, loose stools. 20 grams of lotus seeds, 10 grams of Coix seed powder, 2 to 3 eggs into the mix, Zhuojia boiling water and mix thoroughly, according to personal taste can add sugar or salt, seasoning, basket, steamed into egg tarts.

Yang Xin Bushen side is used for heart and kidney deficiency, palpitation and insomnia, and weak waist and knees. A pig or sheep heart washed and cut into pieces, a pig or sheep kidney, stripping the outer membrane cold water immersed for half a day after the cut, add 20 grams of lotus meat and medlar, spices, stew, eat meat soup.

There are many ways to eat lotus seeds. It is best to wash them first and then take it together with rice or millet porridge to achieve the purpose of treatment. Lotus seeds for medicine or for meals, generally first soaked in cold water, peeled to the heart into lotus seeds, but if the treatment of virtual annoyance and convulsions and insomnia, in order to achieve the purpose of calming the mind, but not lotus seeds, or Zhuojia lotus leaf, in order to increase the role of pure heart Chufan . When making lotus porridge and other foods, it is best to use casseroles and use less wok to avoid affecting the color of lotus seeds. Here are a few recipes for lotus seeds. Interested parties may wish to try.

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