Kiwifruit planting promotes high yield

The choice of kiwifruit in the garden is most suitable for sandy loam rich in organic matter, good water permeability and strong water retention.

When planting and planting, it is necessary to straighten and straighten the seedlings so that the root system can be stretched, and the roots must not be exposed to the base fertilizer, otherwise the seedlings will be burned. At the same time, we must pay attention to the interface of seedlings exposed above the surface. After planting, raise seedlings to step on solids and pour enough water. About 7 days or so, then pour the second water, water infiltration after sealing the cover film moisturizing, heat preservation.

Sapling management is mainly a matter of survival. To keep the soil moist; with sprouting, new shoots grow, we must timely cultivator weeding.

Into the tree management in the growth period spray promotion Kaowang 3 can transform the plant's vegetative growth function into reproductive function, inhibit the main shoot madness, promote flower bud differentiation, more flowering, more fruit set. During the flowering period, strong fruit tine is sprayed to prevent falling, falling fruit, stale fruit and malformed fruit, so that the fruit is beautiful in color and beautiful in shape.

Diseases and pests prevention and control The main diseases are root rot and yellowing disease. The main insect pests are apple hairschafers, grasses and scale insects. Various kinds of targeted drugs are sprayed for prevention and control, and they are used in rotation to eliminate the occurrence of drug resistance.


Fresh Garlic,Natural Garlic,Premium Garlic,Organic Garlic

Yirun Agricultural Cooperative ,