Cotton Cotton Thrips Prevention Technology

Cotton Hummer, also known as smoke thrips, green onions thrips. In addition to harming cotton, it also harms tobacco, onions, garlic, melons, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, and other crops.

Symptoms of damage: Adults and nymphs are concentrated on the cotton shoots and the back of the leaves. When the cotton seedlings are damaged, the cotyledons become hypertrophic, yellow-green or silver-white spots appear on the back, the growth point is scorch, and new shoots are not grown. The cotton farmers call it “ Male cotton "or" headless cotton "; some can grow new branches, but the growth point is divided into several forks, cotton farmers known as "long cotton", "spread flower." The former caused seedling deficiency, while the latter delayed the growth period of cotton, resulting in fewer bells and reduced yields.

Occurrence pattern: adults or nymphs overwinter on green manure, rapeseed and onion, garlic and other crops. After the spring season, it will breed on the host plant and then move to the cotton seedlings. In the case of cotton seedlings that are close to the wintering host or with more weeds in the vicinity, heavy cotton fleas occur. Loose soils generally favor its occurrence; viscous soils adversely affect their occurrence. Early sowing of a cooked cotton field was heavier than that of wheat cotton. Cotton aphids are suitable to occur in relatively dry years. Especially in May and June, the temperature is below 25°C, relative humidity is about 70%, and the damage is often heavier; when the temperature exceeds 25%, when there is more rain and humidity, it is unfavorable to the thrips. Therefore, in general years after the middle and late June, the damage of cotton aphid horses significantly decreased.

Prevention and control measures 1. Cotton and vegetable mixed areas should be strengthened on the control of onions and garlic vegetables to reduce the base number. It can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate emulsion 2000-2500 times. 2, combined with thinning, Dingmiao, pull out the "cotton"; Dingmiao found after the "long cotton", should remove the green and thick lychee, leaving a small brown with branches, so that the final number of bells close to normal Cotton plant. 3, cotton locust horse damage period is generally earlier than cotton aphid, cotton seedlings after unearthed, it should strengthen the investigation and early prevention and treatment. Apply 50 ml of 3% acetamiprid per acre, or 2500 times of a 40% dimethoate emulsion, or 50 ml of a 5% phosphoamine emulsion. Spray 60 kg per mu. 4, soil pesticide control. Tobacco lime water. Raw materials: tobacco, quicklime, water. Matching method: first use a small amount of hot water to open 1 kg of calcine, pour 40 kg of clear water, filter residue. One kilogram of tobacco leaf is shredded and soaked with 10 kg of boiling water. When the hot water is not hot, the soaked tobacco leaves are rubbed by hand, and the water is continuously changed until no tobacco juice flows out (1 kg of tobacco leaves can be rubbed out 30 - 40 kg of leaf water). Pour the leaf water into lime water and serve. Then spray with tobacco lime water.

3.2% Sodium Citrate Tube

Sodium citrate test tube with blue cap Sodium citrate acts as an anticoagulant mainly by chelating calcium ions in blood samples. The ratio of anticoagulant to blood was 1:9. The whole blood or plasma samples were prepared. After collection, the samples were immediately reversed and mixed for 5-8 times. After centrifugation, the upper plasma was taken for use, which was suitable for coagulation test, PT, APTT, and coagulation factor tests.

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Ningbo Siny Medical Technology Co., Ltd ,