Points to pay attention to when the diesel engine is cold started

Roasted oil pan out with a bogey. Bake the oil sump with open flame, which not only affects the life of the engine, but also easily deteriorates the oil and reduces the lubrication effect.

Second, avoid heating tank open flame. Heating the fuel tank with an open flame not only destroys the paint on the surface of the body, but also easily burns the plastic tubing, causing oil leakage and even exploding due to the rapid expansion of the gas in the fuel tank.

Three bogey do not add cooling water at the start . If the cooling water is not added at the start of the operation, and the cooling water is added after the diesel engine is started, the water tank with the temperature rise will cause cracks in the body and the cylinder head due to the sudden encounter with the cold water.

Four bogey do not preheat and use other power to force the start . If the diesel engine is not preheated and forced to start with other power, it will cause dry friction or semi-dry friction between the crankshaft and the bearing bush, which can easily lead to the crankshaft.

Five bogey add oil from the intake pipe . Adding oil from the intake pipe will cause the piston and piston ring to deposit carbon and reduce the service life.

Six bogey remove the air filter to start the fire . Removing the air filter to start the fire will cause unclean air to enter the moving parts such as cylinders and air valves, which will aggravate the wear of these parts. (promises)

Tags: Diesel Cold Start