Key Techniques for Increasing Fish Fertilizer Efficiency

First, the principle and characteristics of fish fertilizer

The principle of chemical fertilizing fish can be simply summarized as follows: fertilizing water to supplement nutrients, promoting phytoplankton reproduction, and increasing the number of aquatic vascular plants, sessile organisms, autotrophic bacteria, etc., in satisfying the food intake of filter-feeding fish At the same time, it also provides some foodstuffs for eating fish. Fertilizer fish has the following characteristics compared with farmland fertilization:

(a) The mechanism of action is complex and has a dual effect. Fertilizers that are applied to the water cannot be used as direct feed for fish, but rather provide nutrients for the fish's basic bait green plants. When these green plants grow in large amounts in the presence of nutrient-rich substances, some of them are eaten as direct feed by the fish, while others are fed by zooplankton, benthos, and other aquatic animals, indirectly feeding the fish with bait. If there are few fishes that feed on plankton in the water, the cultivated bait cannot be used directly, and the dipping material will be converted through the intermediate trophic level (become bait for bait), resulting in energy loss, which is difficult to achieve as expected. Breeding effect. Therefore, the structure of farmed species to which chemical fertilizers are applied must be reasonable. Another important role of fertilization is to promote photosynthesis of phytoplankton for the production of oxygen, to meet the respiratory needs of fish, and improve water quality conditions.

(b) High nitrogen fertilizer application. Phytoplankton has a high protein content and a very fast growth rate, but requires high levels of nutrients in the water to meet the need for rapid protein growth. According to the experiment, phytoplankton at the peak of the multiplication period require that the main components of the nitrogenous fertilizer in the water body be more than 10 mg/l to achieve the effect.

(c) Selectivity is strong. Nitrogen fertilization is the most important requirement for fertilization in water bodies. Because nitrogen fertilizer is sufficient, phytoplankton can use organic phosphorous sources such as glycerophosphoric acid, phytic acid phosphorus, pyrophosphate, yeast nucleic acid, etc., even if there is insufficient phosphorus, and phytoplankton can increase the activity of endogenous phosphatase or rely on the action of extracellular enzymes. For growth and metabolism needs, so as to maximize the absorption of phosphorus, to achieve "nitrogen-enhanced phosphorus" effect. Phosphorus plays a minor role. There is very little potassium deficiency in water bodies, and generally no potassium fertilizer is used.

Second, the key technologies for fertilizer fish farming

(a) The choice of chemical fertilizers. At present, nitrogen fertilizers commonly used for fish farming include ammonium chloride, ammonium bicarbonate, and urea. Ammonium chloride is about 25% nitrogen, stable in character, less hygroscopic, less caking, and easy to store. It also has the advantages of low cost, rapid fertilizer efficiency, high utilization rate, improved water quality, and prevention of fish diseases. Ammonium bicarbonate contains between 13% and 17% of nitrogen, which can not only supplement nitrogen with water, but also supply carbon dioxide for photosynthesis of phytoplankton. It has no adverse effects on water quality for long-term use, but its nitrogen content is lower than other fertilizers. Unstable, relatively high cost. After urea is dissolved in water, it cannot be directly absorbed and used by phytoplankton, and can be absorbed and used after being converted into ammonium nitrogen or nitrate nitrogen. This process takes 3-4 days at a water temperature of 25-28°C, and the fertilizer effect is slow, and therefore In the decomposition and conversion process, the actual utilization rate is less than 50%.

In addition, phosphate fertilizers are preferably made of primary superphosphate with 18% of available phosphorus or secondary superphosphate with 16% of available phosphorus, which can reduce the adverse effects of free sulfuric acid accumulation in fish on water.

(B) a reasonable amount of fertilizer. In the initial stage of fertilization or when the water quality is lean, the nitrogen fertilizer application rate is generally calculated using 5 grams of nitrogen per cubic meter of water when the water depth is 2 meters. If 0.067 hectare of surface water is 2 meters deep, it is necessary to apply 40 kg of ammonium bicarbonate or 25 kg of ammonium chloride. After several times of fertilization, when the transparency of the water reaches about 20 cm, the method of daily or alternate fertilization is adopted to maintain the transparency at this level, and the amount of topdressing is 1/2-1/4 of the previous period. Generally 3-4 kilograms of ammonium bicarbonate or 2-3 kilograms of ammonium chloride is applied, and 1 kilogram of superphosphate is applied to obtain better breeding results.

(c) Problems that should be addressed during fertilization. First, regulate water quality. Partial acid or partial alkalinity is not conducive to the absorption and utilization of chemical fertilizers. Therefore, the pH value (pH) should be favorable for plankton breeding at 7.5-7.8, and the utilization rate of fertilizer is the highest. The second is to maintain a suitable calcium concentration. Calcium plays an important role in increasing the primary productivity of water bodies. It is advisable to apply 10-15 kg of quicklime per 0.067 hectare of water surface and 15-20 days of 1 time. In addition, maintaining a reasonable ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium in water can significantly increase the utilization rate of chemical fertilizer and the growth rate of fish. The third is to reasonably determine the fertilization time. In sunny summer days, the fertilization time is preferably 8-9 AM. The fourth is that long-term rainy days should be supplemented with chemical fertilizers in a timely manner. In the case of long rainy days in summer, if the fertilization is not timely, plankton will affect fish growth due to lack of fish intake and nutrient salts. In order to ensure the normal reproduction of plankton, it is possible to make use of chemical fertilizers in a cloudy or light rainy season (not suitable for applying urea). The interval between fertilization should not exceed 5 days. Applying chemical fertilizers on a cloudy or light rainy day can also quickly turn water into fertilizer and ensure the continued rapid growth of fish.

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