Easy Diarrhea in Summer How to Deal with Diarrhea

As summer temperatures rise, and people like to eat some cool food to relieve the heat, many people will diarrhea in the summer.


There are many reasons for the epidemic of summer diarrhea. The main ones are:

1, hot summer and autumn seasons, more rain, for the growth and reproduction of intestinal pathogens provide suitable natural conditions.

2. Although the human body has a certain defensive ability against external pathogens, there is a certain amount of lysozyme in the oral cavity, gastric juice contains a large amount of gastric acid and the like can kill pathogens that enter the digestive tract with food, but the intestinal pathogen can be used. The tactics of "winning with more" or "taking advantage of emptiness" infringe on people's health.

3, more sweating in summer, a lot of water, diluted gastric juice also reduces the local resistance, creating conditions for the invasion of pathogenic bacteria. In summer, people are not well rested and their resistance is reduced. They are also prone to diarrhea.

In summer, most people eat all kinds of melons, cold dishes or iced drinks. If the production process of these foods is careless, it can easily cause pollution and increase people's chances of infection after eating.

5. In the summer, mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches breed. They can carry pathogenic bacteria and spread diseases.

What to do in summer diarrhea

What to do with diarrhea in the summer, first of all we need to find out what causes the diarrhea and then use different medications according to different physical symptoms. At this time, you must not use your own random drugs, and it is not only necessary to stop diarrhea. You must solve the problem at the root.

1, in the use of drugs, we must choose those who have enhanced gastrointestinal smooth muscle tone of the drug, so that it can better weaken the number of bowel movements in the intestinal tract, so that the stool can become more dry, so as to treat diarrhea .

2, through the drug to play a role in adsorption or convergence, which can effectively organize the abnormal fermentation inside the stomach, but also can effectively reduce toxins in the stomach and intestinal irritation. This can directly protect the intestinal mucosa and reduce the possibility of diarrhea.

3. During diarrhea, diet is also very important. At this time, it is necessary not only to provide nutritional supplements to the body, but also to eat some food that is relatively soft and easily digested. For example, porridge, noodles, egg tarts, and porridge are all very good choices.


In the case of illness, antibiotics are used to treat diarrhea caused by some bacteria. The effect is very good. There are many antibiotics on the market, such as diarrhoea, berberine, and norfloxacin are all very good choices. However, if there are some cases of diarrhea caused by viral infections, the use of antibiotics will not be effective, but will aggravate the condition. Therefore, daily choices must be based on specific physical conditions when selecting drugs.

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