Chemical control of Squash Sprouts in Squash

(1) Symptoms Zucchini Sclerotinia can occur from the seedling stage to adult plants, and the main damage areas are stem vines and melons. In the early stages of the disease, there are small spots of light green spots on the vines. As the disease progresses, the lesions gradually enlarge, the disease area becomes brown, softens and decays, and the surface is covered with white moldy material, and then black sclerotia are formed on the diseased surface. Finally, the whole stem above the diseased part withered. After the melons became infected, they first developed water-spotted lesions and soft rot, and then the disease ministers were covered with white cotton flocks of white mold. Finally, the disease ministers produced gray-black sclerotia.
(2) Conditions The pathogen of the sclerotia of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is Ascomycota sclerotiorum. The sclerotia germinates in sclerotia in the body or in the soil, and germinates in the presence of appropriate sclerotia. A large number of ascospores are produced and transmitted by airflow. The temperature of 15 ~ 20 °C, relative humidity more than 85% susceptible to disease, rainy early spring and late autumn is conducive to the occurrence of Sclerotinia.
(3) Prevention and control methods 1 Seed disinfection uses warm soup soaking and medicinal seed dressing to kill pathogens on the seeds.
2 Clean idyllic cucurbits After the harvest, the corpses are completely removed, and diseased leaves and diseased melons are promptly removed at the early stage of disease to bring them out of the field.
3 Strengthen field management Deeply turn the soil, cover the plastic film, release air at the right time, reduce the humidity, try to increase the light, increase the temperature, strengthen the plants, and reduce the disease.
4 Chemicals can prevent 40% of sclerotium net 1000 times, or 50% SulfoMax 1000 times, or 50% Propionin 1000 times, or 65% Metalaxyl 1000 times, or more than 50%. Mildew WP 1000 times, or 50% nongrill WP 1000 times, or 60% Antivirus Poison 600x Spray. Or smearing the lesions with 50 times liquid of quick-acting or piramylation not only has good control effect, but also has healing effect on the lesions of stem vines. Usually sprayed once every other week, when spraying, pay attention to the base of the stem, old leaves, soil surface and melon strips, and spray 3 to 4 times.

Standardized Herbal Extract

A standardized herbal extract is an herb extract that has one or more components present in a specific, guaranteed amount, usually expressed as a percentage. The intention behind the standardization of herbs is to guarantee that the consumer is getting a product in which the chemistry is consistent from batch to batch. This practice has developed out of the drug model of herbal medicine, in which modern scientists have attempted to identify the components of a plant that have definite pharmacological activity in the body. Unfortunately, while scientists can isolate many constituents from an herb and discover how particular chemicals may act in the body, they inadvertently remove or overlook components that may contribute to the activity of the whole herb. Consequently, standardization may concentrate one constituent at the expense of other potentially important ones, while changing the natural balance of the herb`s components.

Standardized Herbal Extract

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