Can grass kill An'an be used to seal off cabbage before sowing?

According to relevant information, Metolachlor, also known as Dole, is a broad-spectrum sowing pre-emergence herbicide suitable for use on dry land crops such as corn, soybeans, peanuts, cotton, and sorghum, as well as cabbage and ginger. Used in vegetable crops and orchards and nurseries to control annual weed grass such as goosegrass, crabgrass, setaria, valerian, and broad-leaved weeds such as leeks and purslane, as well as minced sedges and oil sedges. The effect of undergraduate weeds is much better than that of broadleaf weeds. The uptake is mainly absorbed by the young shoots of plants, namely the coleoptile of the monocotyledons and the hypocotyls of the dicotyledonous plants. After emergence, it mainly uptakes the roots to absorb upward conduction and inhibit the growth of young shoots and roots. If the soil moisture is good, the weeds are killed at the bud stage; if the soil moisture is low, the soil moisture increases with the rainfall after the weeds are unearthed, the weeds shrink the leaves after absorbing the drugs, and the whole plant dies. For use in Chinese cabbage fields, it is possible to add 100 kg of Metol (72% metolachlor) to 30 kg of water per acre.

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