Yellow mosaic disease in some wheat fields in Yandu

Recently, the death of yellow wheat seedlings occurred in some small wheat fields in Yandu District, Yancheng City. It was analyzed by the plant protection station on the spot, analyzed the symptoms and distribution of the diseased plants, the planting varieties, and the occurrence situation in previous years, and it was determined that it was harmed by wheat yellow mosaic disease. Caused.

Wheat yellow mosaic disease is a virus disease caused by the spread of Myxobium infestans. The pathogens live, accumulate, and spread in the soil and spread through mechanical farming to the surrounding fields. Wheat is currently the only known host. Wheat seedlings 3 leaves 1 vulnerable before the onset of heart disease, the appropriate temperature for the disease is 8 ~ 15 °C, the temperature rises above 15 °C when the diseased plants enter the crypto-state. The onset of symptoms is generally started at the end of February and early March. When the temperature rises above 15°C at the end of March, there is an occult symptom. The yellow and green striae appear first in the heart and the leaves of the diseased plants, and then the leaves gradually turn yellow and necrotic, and the dead seedlings are severe. The chlorotic leaves of the mildly diseased plants were yellowish, and the yellow-greenish fringe boundaries on the leaves were not obvious, similar to the symptom that the roots were stained and the leaves became yellow. In the case of yellow mosaic disease in wheat, as long as the diseased plant rate is not high, the diseased plants only show mosaic symptoms, and the general yield loss is not large; the severely yellowed wheat field has a high rate of dead seedlings and a large yield loss.

The most economical and effective way to control wheat yellow mosaic disease is to use disease-resistant varieties. Among the wheat varieties grown in large areas in Yandu District, Zhengmai 9023, Yangfumai 2, Ningmai 7, and Ningmai 9 are relatively resistant. Diseases, investigations in the incidence of field cultivation varieties are Yangmai series of susceptible varieties. For the old wards where wheat yellow mosaic disease occurs, it is recommended to adopt disease-resistant varieties or cultivate barley and rapeseed in light of local conditions to reduce the incidence. At present, wheat fields that have already been affected may be treated with appropriate amounts of available nitrogen fertilizers in the near future to promote the rapid recovery of diseased seedlings. In order to avoid a one-time application of fertilizer caused by rapid expansion of the plant base internodes and lodging, can be divided into 2 applications, the first application of urea per acre 4 to 5 kg, the second application of urea per acre of 5 to 8 kg. The infestation of wheat roots by polymyxa in cereals needs a certain amount of water, and the internal and external furrows are remedied to reduce the humidity in the field, which can reduce the occurrence of diseases to some extent.

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