Tobacco leaf spot

Symptoms Most tobacco areas in China are distributed. Seedling stage, adult stage can be disease, mainly damage the leaves and stems. Leaf lesions are irregularly round or near-circular, with gray to brown at the center, bulging at the edges, obvious junctions at disease and health, size 2.5 cm or larger, concentric ring pattern on the lesion surface, multiple browns in the middle Dark brown dots, the conidia of the germ. The brownish long spots in the midribs and auricles are larger than the lesions of the disease. The diseased leaves are often broken off from the lesions of the midrib, unlike the disease of the disease. Stem infection produces symptoms similar to those on leaves.

The pathogenic Ascochyta gossypii Syd. called cotton shell bifida, belonging to the fungus Aspergillus Suberii. The conidia are spherical to nearly spherical, dark-colored, buried under the epidermis of the host, and then penetrate the epidermis exposed, size 50-90μm. Conidia produce conidia, oblong to ovate, colorless, 8-103-4 (μm) in size, double cells. The optimum growth temperature of pathogenic bacteria is 22-26°C and the highest temperature is 30°C.

Transmission routes and pathogenic conditions The pathogenic bacteria are contaminated with spores or hyphae to survive winters on diseased plant residues. Tobacco seeds can also become carriers of bacteria and become the primary source of infection for the following year. It mainly depends on the spread of rain splashes. The temperature in the field is suitable and the humidity is conducive to its occurrence and prevalence.

Control methods (1) Rational rotation. (2) Early planting at an early date, early removal of the leaves, and the removal of diseased leaves immediately to reduce the source of bacteria. (3) Before the harvest, the land was ploughed and buried in a timely manner. (4) Properly dense planting to improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, timely drainage after rain, to prevent moisture retention. (5) Spray 1:1: 160 times Bordeaux mixture or 12% green milk copper emulsion 600 times, 50% copper citrate copper wettable powder 500 times, 47% Garnett WP in time of onset. Double fluid.

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