Sweet orange genetic code was successfully cracked

Huazhong Agricultural University recently announced the sequence map of whole orange genome. After more than one year of hard work, researchers from Huazhong Nongda University cracked the sweet orange genetic code, completed the mosaic and annotation of the sweet orange genome, and obtained a higher quality sweet orange genome. This is the first complete sequence of fruit tree crops in China and is also the most complete sequence map of sweet orange genomes in the world.

The leader of the project, the chief scientist of the National Citrus Industrial System and Professor of Huazhong Agricultural University Deng Xiuxin said: "This marks China's building a good scientific research platform on the combination of biotechnology and functional genes, and it also promotes the improvement of citrus varieties and comprehensive improvement. Industrial competitiveness is of great significance."

China is an important citrus center in the world. In 2010, China's total output was 26.45 million tons, making it the world's largest producer of citrus.

Xu Qiang, a doctor at Huazhong Agricultural University, said that oranges have multiple embryos and high genetic background heterogeneity, which hinders the development of genetics and breeding. The complete genome information, as a genetic framework, will provide a scientific basis for citrus genetics and breeding improvement.

The completion of the sequence map of the sweet orange genome is like opening the “black box” of the orange's life activity, and it breaks the “password” of the sweet orange gene, and the sequence and related features of the gene combination are obtained. It will provide a good basis for consciously locking the maturity, color, sugar content, yield, disease resistance, and other agronomic traits of sweet oranges in the future research, and will help cultivate better and healthier varieties.

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