Sesame fertilization should pay attention

From the end of last year to the end of April this year, the prices of edible oils in the market have steadily increased, which has greatly stimulated the development of oil crops, and the area of ​​sesame has also shown an expanding trend.

There is a big difference in the output of sesame-cultivated peasants. Generally, high-yield peasants produce about 250 kg of sesame, and some are even higher. Farmers with lower planting levels have only about 100 kg per mu, and some even have about 50 kg. Why is the difference in output so great? In addition to the common factors of variety and waterlogging, it is largely related to the level of fertilization.

At present, sesame seeds are sown all over the country. In order to seize the high yield of sesame seeds, it is necessary to first clarify the requirements of sesame. According to the research, the demand for nitrogen in sesame is less in the early stage and more in the middle and late stages; the demand for phosphorus is less in the early stage, more in the middle stage and more in the later stage; the demand for potassium is more in the middle and less in the two stages, ie the sesame needs potassium from the leaf stage to the cap stage. The amount accounts for 95% of the total potassium needed for the whole growing period. According to the requirements of sesame, it is necessary to grasp the following aspects in the specific operation of fertilization.

First, we must intensively cultivate the land and formulate the base fertilizer. Although the requirements of sesame on the soil are not very strict, but due to the small sesame seeds, the roots are not deep under the bar, there must be a fine ploughed land, coupled with sufficient base fertilizer to obtain high yield. The soil should be soiled with Tufa grass and it should be applied to the soil to facilitate fertilization. Bottom fertilizer to do with organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, single fertilizer and multiple fertilizers. One is to use decomposed organic fertilizer, 1500 to 2,000 kilograms per mu, preferably 40 kilograms of bio-organic compound fertilizer applied to the soil, which can both improve the soil and enhance the activation function; or apply a cooked cake fertilizer per acre. Kilograms, with a high content of ternary compound fertilizer 25 kilograms. However, in the base fertilizer, avoid using fresh organic fertilizer or a single nitrogen fertilizer to prevent the fertilizer from burning when the fertilizer is fermented.

Second, appropriate amount of mixed application of fertilizer, timely supply of fertilizer seedlings. Sesame seeds have limited nutrient content, and only timely fertilization can cultivate strong seedlings. Can be applied per acre seed fine soil fertilizer ash 250 kilograms, or fine cake fat 5 to 8 kilograms, or urea 2 kilograms, to prevent excessive fertilizer seedlings.

The third reason is that due to the seedling system, it promotes balanced growth of the seedlings. For sesame seedlings with poor soil quality and weaker growth, human feces and urine should be chased and matured. After entering the flowering stage, the available nitrogen fertilizer should be applied. Each mus of urea should be 5 to 7.5 kg. Submission. For the growing sesame seedlings, it is necessary to control the topdressing or spraying delaying plant growth regulators. Choosing chlorsulfuron or chlorfenadine can be used. For each mu, there is 1 gram of shrinkage or 4 milliliters of auxiliaries. ~ 20 kg.

The fourth advantage of long-term development of top-dressing fertilizer. Sesame stems and leaves are more furry and the leaf area is larger. The top dressing is easy to be adhered, absorbed and transformed. Therefore, foliar spray fertilizer is a good way to supplement fertilizer, one can increase the number of pods, two can increase grain weight, three can increase the seed oil rate. Top dressing type, one can use 2% to 3% of calcium superphosphate solution, two can use 1% to 2% of urea solution, three can use 0.2% of boron fertilizer solution, four can use Huimanfeng active liquid fertilizer 500 to 800 times Solution, the above three fertilizers can be mixed with Huimanfeng active liquid fertilizer spray.

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