New cultivation technology of amaranth in greenhouses

Winter amaranth cultivation should use color pupae that have good palatability, high yield, strong stress resistance, and cold resistance. Choose flat land with rich soil, convenient drainage and irrigation, and low weeds. Plow 15-20 cm in early November. Combine After deep cultivation and fertilization, seeding can be carried out in mid-to-late November. After dressing with a new high-fat film, mix the seed with an appropriate amount of fine sand and spread it evenly on the noodle surface. Press down with your feet or cover a layer of dung, and then cover the film. Then use a 2 meter long bamboo strip to support a small arch shed 70-80 cm high and cover it with a film. On the basis of watering the bottom of the water, no watering is required before emergence, and 5-7 days can emerge. After the cotyledons were unearthed, the mulching film was removed and the field weeding seedlings were taken * times. When two true leaves are grown, the second weeding and seedlings will be carried out, and the top fertilizer and water will be used. After each harvest, the water will be topdressed once and sprayed with vegetables. The stems are thick, the leaves are thick, and the yield is high. At the end of March of the following year, when the temperature rises, the small arch shed can be removed, and a new high-fat film can be sprayed to prevent high-temperature burning seedlings and prevent white rust of amaranth.

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