High carrot yield in spring

Carrot early spring small shed cover high-yield cultivation, can make carrots market in the summer, per mu up to 3500-4000 kg, significant economic benefits. Now we will introduce the main points of cultivation techniques as follows for the reference of farmers. First, the soil is selected for soil preparation, soil fertility, good irrigation and drainage, good permeability of sandy loam or loam soil, the excavation of seedlings, growth and development of fleshy roots is very beneficial. Before sowing, plowing and cultivating fine stalks, apply enough basal fertilizer, use 4000-5000 kilograms of fertilizer for Mushi, 20-25 kilograms of superphosphate, 25-30 kilograms of potassium sulfate, and spread about 25 centimeters. Second, the proper sowing of carrots in spring sowing is too easy to convulsions prematurely. Too late causes fleshy roots to expand at temperatures above 25°C, which can easily produce a large number of deformed roots and affect quality. The suitable temperature for carrot root expansion is 18°C-25°C. In order to avoid the high temperature in the later period, it should be sowed early in the suitable sowing date range. Generally, when the 5 cm ground temperature is stable above 12°C and the daily average temperature reaches 14.5°C, it can be sown. Third, the selection of varieties should be used in spring sowing varieties with strong tannin resistance, and according to the characteristics of the local market consumption, choose the market consumers in the middle of the early maturing varieties. Consumers in large and medium-sized cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai should use skins, flesh, and all red varieties of the center column. At present, the better varieties are such as the Japanese Kuroda five inches, the improved Kuroda five inches, Hiroshima, Azalea Red, and South Korea's five-inch, etc., as well as China's traditional farm varieties such as small top red, Zadi red and other local carrot varieties. Fourth, soaking seed germination carrot seeds dry seed, but in early spring small arch shed sowing, temperature, ground temperature are low, is not conducive to seed germination and unearthed. In order to ensure that carrots are seedlings and seedlings are vigorous, seedlings can be soaked and germinated before sowing. The seedlings can be emerged 5-6 days earlier and increase production significantly. The method is: sow the seeds on the bristles before sowing, the seeds in 30 °C -40 °C warm water, soak for 12 hours, remove and wrap with a damp cloth, placed at 25 °C -30 °C under the germination, every morning and evening with Rinse once with clean water to keep the seeds moist and uniform in temperature and humidity. After 3-4 days, when most of the seeds are whitened, they can be sown. The seed with high germination rate is generally used for 300 g. Fifth, the sowing shed due to drought in spring drought, sowing can be done when sowing seeding sowing, the average width of 2 meters wide, about 1.8 centimeters wide net surface, can be sown 8-10 rows, about 2 cm deep ditch. After sowing, the soil was covered and the cracks were repressed, so that the seeds were tightly integrated with the soil. Then watering, after the water seepage, the mulch is covered with plastic film, and a small shed is set up outside. Six, temperature management Before sowing after sowing, the temperature inside the shed can be controlled at 28 °C -30 °C, during the day should try to increase the temperature within the shed. About 20 days after sowing, seedlings are often sowed. Before the emergence, the mulch film is promptly sprinkled. After the seedlings emerge, the weather conditions are properly released to reduce the temperature and humidity in the shed. During the day, the temperature and the ground temperature are still low at 20°C-25°C. the Lord. Seven, madder grass seedlings generally about 20 days after emergence, selected fine weather, open the greenhouse in the afternoon for the seedlings, will be too close seedlings, seedlings and weeds timely removal. The first time the seedlings were carried out with 1-2 true leaves of the seedlings, the seedling spacing was 3-4 cm; the second time the seedlings were 4-5 true leaves, the leaves were set at 6-7 leaves, and the seedling distance was 8-10 cm. Immediately after the seedlings are covered. In time of cultivating and weeding, we can use 50% paracetamol 150g/mu water 50kg surface spray when sowing buds 2-3 days. In addition, pay attention to the soil during the cultivator to prevent the top of the fleshy root from forming a green shoulder. Eight, water and fertilizer management sowing after soaking water, seedling period is basically not watering, seedlings to prevent leggy. After the shelter was shed, the first water was poured and 10 kg of urea was applied per acre with water. Carrot meat root finger thick (into the expansion period), is the period of the most demand for water, nutrients, should be timely watering, keep wet see dry land, watering more than 10 times during the growth period, combined with water topdressing urea and Potassium sulfate 2-3 times, 15-20 kg urea and 5 kg potassium sulfate. Nine, harvest carrots mature when the leaves no longer grow, no new leaves, the lower leaves turn yellow, generally in late June to early July harvest. It can also be harvested after cold storage, supply throughout the summer, or further deep-processing export earnings.

Collagen is a triple helical protein which can be considered as the bio-glue inside our body; in fact, animal glue can be obtained by boiling the animal skin.  Collagen, a major component of connective tissues, exits in the extracellular space of these tissues which are the key reinforcing and bonding materials for all tissues and organs throughout our body, forming rigid structures as such bone, semi-rigid tissues such as cartilage, or soft tissues such as muscle, tendon, skin, ligaments, and cell membranes, etc.  There are different forms (fibrillar and non- fibrillar) and types of collagens in the body; Type 1 being the major type constitutes over 90% in our body and is the major component in skin, tendon, vascular ligature, organs, bone (main component of the organic part of bone).   Because collagen is an essential building material of all tissues and organs, it has many medical uses, such as in cardiac (hear) applications, cosmetic surgery, bone grafts, tissue regeneration, reconstructive surgical uses, and wound healing care.   


Collagen is created inside fibroblast cells, and this process is needed to support the creation and repair of the body`s connective tissues.  However, the biological process starts to breakdown when we are aging, normally after we reach the age of late 20s or early 30s.  Because collagen from natural sources such as animal, fish scales or plant contain essentially the same amino acid compositions (glycine, proline, alanine, hydroxyproline, glutamic acid, arginine, aspartic acid, serine, lysine, leucine, valine, threonine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, etc.) as human collagen, supplement the body with the natural collagen, either by dermal application or through oral ingestion, can help rejuvenate collagen creation process to support the repairing of aging connective tissues in our body, particularly those in our skin, and to reverse or slow down the aging process for a more youthful appearance.



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