Greenhouse strawberry high efficiency promotion cultivation method

Strawberry greenhouses promote cultivation by using greenhouse facilities in winter to prevent plants from entering dormancy, enabling them to grow normally, promote their flower bud differentiation, and bring about early flowering results, and achieve harvesting and marketing in the late autumn and early winter (11 to December) until the second. In early June of the year, there are continuous cultivation techniques for commercial fruit production. The specific measures are as follows.
1. Construction of greenhouses and selection of greenhouse membranes Plastic greenhouses are the most common forms of strawberry cultivation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Plastic greenhouses are divided into bamboo structure sheds and steel structure sheds according to the construction materials.
Bamboo structure sheds: Small sheds with no pillars in the shed. The sheds are 1.8 to 2.0 meters high, 4 to 5 meters wide, and 30 to 50 meters long. Its characteristics are low cost, but the operation is not convenient, and the service life is short.
Steel pipe sheds: The shed is 1.8 to 2.0 meters high, 6 meters wide and 50 to 60 meters long. Its features are convenient operation, good light transmission, and firm structure, but its cost is high.
Shelf mode to choose improved film. Since the 1980s, people have developed a variety of films with different characteristics, such as non-dripping, heat-insulating, aging-resistant multi-functional polyethylene films and dust-proof, non-drop PVC films. This kind of improved film insulation effect, the minimum temperature can be increased by 1 °C, the maximum temperature increased by 25%; and due to the addition of anti-aging ingredients, can extend the continuous life.
2. Variety selection Strawberry cultivation is a special early-maturing cultivation, with early maturity, high quality, and high yield as the goals. Therefore, shallow dormant varieties should be selected for variety selection. Under normal conditions, the strawberry entered flower bud differentiation under low temperature and short-day conditions, and the plant began to hibernate with temperature drop. The shallow dormant species can complete flower bud differentiation under relatively higher temperature and longer sunshine conditions, and can still grow and develop at a relatively low temperature and flowering results. Insulation is adopted on cultivation and can effectively inhibit its entry into hibernation.
3. For ridges and application of basal strawberry Straw cultivation should adopt double rows of small high ridge planting, the ridge surface should be flat, 6 ridges can be made in each standard shed, and each ridge can cover 1 meter width.
Strawberry basal fertilizer should be dominated by organic fertilizer, per acre (1 acre = 667 square meters, the same below) into decomposed organic fertilizer 2,000 kg, while adding superphosphate 40 ~ 50 kg, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium compound fertilizer 30 ~ 40 kg. When applying basal fertiliser, it is important to note that organic manure must be decomposed. Superphosphate should be mixed with organic fertilizer and then applied to the soil. The fertilizer should be mixed with the soil and concentrated in the cultivating ridge.
4. Planting promotion cultivation The 50% strawberry plants reach the flower bud differentiation period as the suitable period for planting (from mid-late September to early October), the stolons of the strawberry when it was raised, and the curved convex surface is the inflorescence after colonization. In the direction of planting, the orientation of inflorescences should be determined according to the direction of ridges and planted. The north-south ridges and inflorescences should extend to both sides of the ridge. When planting, the curved convex surface of the roots of the strawberry should be oriented toward the outside of the ridge; the east-west ridge requires that the inflorescence extends toward the yang. The planting should be convex and sunny.
Planting density: spacing 25 cm, plant spacing 15 cm, 6000-8000 per mu, planting depth should be the same as the base of the leaf sheath and the soil surface, as far as possible to enable hair root contact with the soil. Immediately after planting, a lot of water was poured.
5. Field management (1) Management After planting, after the planting, depending on the weather conditions and the degree of dryness, watering or irrigating once on the 3rd to 7th day must not cause the buckwheat surface to become white. After planting for half a month, the new leaves will be issued and expanded. At this time, the axillary buds (or newly emerged stolons) and the dead leaves and yellow leaves will be removed at the bottom, but the leaves should not be excessive, and 5 to 6 healthy leaves should be retained. In order to avoid the occurrence of irregular inflorescence or apical inflorescence reduction, flowering delay.
In late October, the mulch film should be covered. Due to the black mulch's ability to control weeds, the black mulch is mainly used for greenhouse cultivation.
(2) Management after covering the shed film should generally be strengthened after the shed in the second half of October to ensure the initial growth before budding to ensure the leaf area. Within 7 to 10 days after covering the shed, during the day, higher temperatures above 30°C should be maintained to prevent the plants from entering dormancy. If dryness occurs in the greenhouse during this period, the leaves can be sprayed with moisture during the day to maintain the humidity. In general, cover sheds should generally create high temperature and humidity conditions before budding, so as to promote fertility as soon as possible. After budding, it is necessary to gradually change the hot and humid environment. When the temperature in the greenhouse reaches 25 to 26°C, ventilation is performed, and the ventilation opening should be gradually opened. During the first 3 days of cooling, it is best to spray water on the leaves 1 or 2 times a day to prevent the plants from drying out. After the cover is covered in the evening, the temperature inside the greenhouse should be kept high to avoid rapid temperature drop at night.
At the lowest temperature in January, the temperature near the strawberry plants should be maintained at about 5°C at night, and the buds below 0°C should be first frozen to form black heart flowers, and the fruits should be frozen to stop developing. During the fruiting period of strawberry flowering, the humidity in the shed should be kept low. The high humidity is not conducive to flowering and pollination, and it is also easy to cause fruit gray mold to cause rotten fruit. The method of lowering the humidity is not only to pay attention to ventilation, but also to cover the ditch walkway after being budded, so as to prevent moisture evaporation.
(3) Whether irrigation water management can be determined by observing the foliage in the morning, if the water droplets are seen in the leaf margin in the morning, it can be considered that the water is sufficient and the root system function is strong without irrigation; otherwise the water should be filled.
Topdressing can be combined with irrigation, usually before applying plastic film on the ground, once in the fruit enlargement period, early harvest, and after the harvest peak of the fruit, 1st time, early flowering buds and fruit enlargement period 2~3. Times. The topdressing fertilizer before the mulch can be covered with 4 kg to 5 kg per acre of N, P and K compound fertilizer is spread on the ridge surface and combined with loose soil watering. Afterwards, urea or compound fertilizer can be used in conjunction with irrigation to dilute application, and the principle of diligent application and less application can be used to prevent the plant from producing fertilizer damage; and according to the situation, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus 0.2% urea solution can be used for extra-root dressing.
(4) Plant management When the plant grows vigorously, more new stem lateral branches and some stolons will occur, affecting the ventilation and light transmission. At the same time, due to the weak photosynthetic capacity of the plant's base, the nutrient-producing organs can become nutrient-consuming organs. Easy to become a breeding ground for pathogens, it should be removed, generally should retain 6 leaves.
(5) Auxiliary Pollination The use of bee-assisted pollination in greenhouses is an important cultivation measure, which can significantly reduce the occurrence of malformed fruit and increase production by 10% to 20%. The bees are generally placed 5 to 6 days before flowering until mid-to-late March. Generally, the amount of bees is 2 boxes/mu.
(6) The effect of gibberellin treatment on gibberellin is to break plant dormancy. The gibberellin should be treated within 3 to 5 days after the cover shed is warmed. The 10 cm above the plant should be sprayed at the growing point, and the shallow dormant species (Fengxiang) should be sprayed with 5 ml/L of 5 ml. Deep varieties (shuoxiang) were sprayed with 5 ml at a concentration of 10 mg/l.
6. Prevention and control of diseases, pests and weeds Based on the adoption of pest-resistant varieties, reasonable selection of depressions and adjacent crops, and other agricultural control measures, the prevention and control of pests and diseases by pesticides should be appropriate and reasonable, and the number of medications should be minimized to achieve more than one drug. Treatment, but also to use non-toxic, micro-toxic or low toxic agents, such as gray mold, powdery mildew, black mold can be sprayed with chlorothalonil 600 times, aphids with 20% cypermethrin spray 3000 times, The leafhopper was sprayed with 50% phoxim 1000 times.
The control of weeds should be based on the type of weeds, select suitable herbicides or soil treatment herbicides, and treat with 48% oxalin EC soil to kill the germinated variety of annual grass weed seeds that have grown The grass weeds can be used 12.5% ​​gaisengeng EC, dicotyledon weeds can be controlled by naphtylamine. The above herbicides are safer for strawberries.

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