Duck vitamin A deficiency

Vitamin A, also known as anti-dry eye alcohol, is a fat-soluble vitamin and is a nutrient necessary for the growth and development of poultry. Its main function is to maintain the eyesight in the dark. 1 The cause of the disease The deficiency or lack of vitamin A or carotene in the feed is the primary cause of the disease. The deficiency of ducklings within 30 days of age is due to the lack of vitamin A in the production of female ducks. When there is a lack of vitamin A in the production of egg-duck mother ducks, the ducklings begin to develop symptoms 7-14 days after hatching. If egg-laying female ducks have sufficient vitamin A in their diet, ducklings rarely develop after hatching. Older-old ducklings and new female ducks are also frequently affected and are associated with a lack of vitamin A in the diet. Insufficient vitamin A or carotene in feed can easily cause deficiency of vitamins in ducks. Green foods such as legume green leaves, green vegetables, aquatic grasses, pumpkins, carrots, and yellow corn are rich in carrots and vegetables. In the absence of vitamin A in ducks, in addition to the above-mentioned eye lesions, egg production decreased significantly, egg yolk color faded, hatching rate decreased, dead embryo rate increased, and the yellow of the ankles and ankles faded, and even completely disappeared. Pale. In addition, the breeder's sexual function declines. 3 pathological changes The nasal mucosa, oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and even the mucous membrane of the hernia sac showed a kind of white small verrucous nodules, the naked eye is not easy to find, a large number, no easy to peel off the nodules, with the development of the disease, nodular lesions Increase, and a layer of yellowish-white pseudomembrane covering the surface of the mucous membrane is separated and no bleeding occurs after exfoliation. The common pseudomembrane of the diseased duckling was parallel to the longitudinal folds of esophageal mucosa, and the pseudomembranous was scraped off. The mucosa was thin, smooth and pale. Inflammatory exudates were found around and on the surface of small ulcer lesions of the esophagus. The kidneys are pale and covered with a fine, white velvet-like mesh, and the renal tubules are filled with white urate. The ureter is extremely dilated and white uric acid deposits accumulate in the tube. Urate deposition occurs on the surface of the heart, liver and spleen. 4 Preventive measures Ensure that there are enough vitamin A and carotene in the diet. Feed ducks with green feed, carrots, and root and yellow corn, and if necessary, add cod liver oil or vitamin A supplements. Long-term feeding of cereals (other than yellow corn) and its processing by-products, without paying attention to the addition of green fodder and vitamin A, can easily cause the disease. Improper feed processing, improper storage, and storage for too long and old deterioration can all lead to the destruction of carotenoids. Long-term feeding of such feeds is prone to vitamin A deficiency. Insufficient movement of ducks, lack of minerals in feed, poor feed management and suffering from digestive tract diseases are also important causes of this disease in ducks. 2 Clinical symptoms Diseases of ducklings were severely hindered and growth was slow and even stopped. Mental fatigue, weakness, weight loss, feathers, messy nose outflow of thick nasal fluid, often because of cheese-like stuffed nose and mouth breathing. Diseased ducklings were weak in movement, walking squatting, and gait that could not be matched by both legs, followed by slight or complete paralysis; the yellow pigments in the ankle and calf faded. The typical symptom is a cow's milk-like exudate in the eye, the upper and lower eyelids are stuck by the exudate, and the conjunctiva is cloudy and opaque. When the disease is severe, large white cheese-like substances accumulate in the eyes of the diseased duck. The cornea even softens and perforates, eventually causing the diseased duck to become blind. Under normal circumstances, sick ducks have stagnated growth, become apathetic, physically weak, unsteady walking, loose feathers, yellow skin in the sputum and calves, and lack of exercise. If not treated in time, the mortality rate is high. According to the season and feed supply conditions, carrots and carrots were the best in winter and spring, followed by legume green leaves, and wild grasses were the best in summer and autumn, followed by green vegetables and pumpkins. Once diseased ducks are found, vitamin A-enriched feed should be added to the diet as soon as possible. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that has poor thermal stability and is susceptible to oxidation and failure during feed processing, conditioning, and storage. At the same time pay attention to feed the diet, do not store too long. 5 comprehensive treatment of vitamin A preparations and vitamin A-rich cod liver oil. When the disease occurs in the duck population, 1 000 to 1 500 international units of vitamin A can be supplemented per kilogram of diet. If the deficiency disease has not yet reached a serious stage, treatment can be quickly received. You can also add cod liver oil to the diseased duck group feed. Add 2-4 ml of cod liver oil per kilo of diet (add cod liver oil to the warm water used in the mix, stir well to make the fat drops fine), and diet Mix thoroughly and feed immediately. For the treatment of individual diseased ducks, the ducklings were given 0.5 ml of cod liver oil (5,500 units per millilitre of vitamin A) either dropwise or intramuscularly. Adult female ducks are given daily or intramuscular injections of cod liver oil 1.0-1.5 ml, divided into 3 times, and the effect is very good. If the adult female duck population is in serious condition, as long as vitamin A can be added to the diet in a timely manner, the reproductive ability can generally be restored within one month.

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