The origin, appearance and performance of bronze turkey

The origin and appearance characteristics (1) are non-standard varieties. Native to the Americas. (2) The appearance features are larger in size and wider in the chest. The end is dark yellow and the base is gray. Black feathers, with red, green, bronze and other luster. The neck feathers are dark bronze, with narrow dark spots at the ends of the wings, black feathers on the back feathers, and neat white edges at the ends of the tail feathers. Male turkey has a bunch of black hair on the chest, and head epithelial tumors have different colors from red to purple white. Young turkeys are black, adult turkey gray. Bronze turkeys of the two varieties have strong physique, liveliness, rapid growth and plump flesh. Adult male turkeys weigh 16 000 grams, female turkeys 9 000 grams, eggs 50 to 60 eggs, eggs 75 to 80 grams. Eggshells are light brown and have dark brown spots. Female turkeys are nested.

Roasted Series

Rushan Jinguo Food Co., Ltd ,