Management Techniques of Summer Cabbage Field

Summer cabbage is a Chinese cabbage that is listed between summer and autumn. This is when the supply of vegetables is in off-season and the economic benefits are considerable. However, due to the high temperature and high rainfall in summer, it is a season of high incidence of diseases and insect pests. When planting Chinese cabbage, we must grasp the key links, and we must select suitable products and adopt appropriate management measures in order to achieve stable production and high yields.

The varieties of summer cabbage mainly require characteristics such as heat resistance, wind resistance, antiviral disease, resistance to soft rot, light resistance, moisture resistance, short growth period, high net rate, high yield and high quality. Such as heat and anti-white -45, early-maturing on the 5th, Xiafeng, Xia Lu, Xia Qiubao, Japan Xia Hui, Xia You, Xia Yang cabbage varieties adapted to summer sowing.

First, avoid heavy smashing, fine soil preparation, and adequate base fertilizer

In order to reduce the disease and the lack of a certain element in the soil, avoid continuous cropping with crucifer crops. In combination with the short growing period of summer cabbage, organic fertilizer should be re-applied. The growth of summer cabbage is strong, and the demand for water and fertilizer is large but not tolerant. The cultivation method of replanting base fertilizer and semi-high ridge planting should be adopted in production so that the water can run through the ridge and the drainage after the rain, and can be cooked with Mushi. High-quality organic fertilizer 3000 ~ 5000 kg, superphosphate 30 ~ 50 kg, potassium chloride or potassium sulfate 10 ~ 20 kg.

Second, appropriate sowing to ensure Miao Quan, Miao Qi, Miao Wang

The seeds are sown in mid-May to early July. Sowing method points sowing and sowing. The amount of seed used for seed drilling is about 0.25 kg, and that for seed sowing is 0.15 kg. In order to ensure that Miao Qi, Miao Wang, regardless of drilling or sowing should pay attention to the following points: 1 after sowing ditch watering, but the water should not diffuse over the ridge, so as not to cause surface compaction, affect the emergence. 2 It is required that the seeding ditch or the bottom of the hole is relatively flat, and the cover soil should be mainly loose soil, and it should not be too thin or too thick. 3 Chinese cabbage sprouts are most afraid of sun exposure. They are usually sown in the evening or afternoon, so that young sprouts are unearthed after 2 days and then exposed to the sun overnight. 4 pay attention to pest control.

Third, field management

Early seedlings (several seedlings), seedlings in the evening, strong seedlings. Regardless of seeding and sowing, it is generally necessary to seedlings three times. The first time the heart occurs (if not overcrowded, but not between), the second time in 2 to 3 leaves, the third time in 5 to 6 when the seedlings. Due to the short growth period of summer cabbage, it is generally not seedlings. Timely watering, loose soil, in case of dry and rainy conditions, water every 2 to 3 days, once in the case of rainy days when there is accumulated water in the fields, to prevent seedlings from being affected by waterlogging. After setting the seedlings, 15 kg of urea is applied per acre with water, and the second fertilizer is applied during the ball stage, and 25 kg of urea can be used for mu.

Fourth, early prevention and treatment of pests and diseases

The occurrence of diseases and pests of cabbage in summer is severe and early detection and prevention are needed. The main diseases are downy mildew and soft rot. To prevent downy mildew, rosette period can be sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil 500 times, 65% dexamethasone 500 times, 40% ethoxyphos aluminum WP 150 to 200 times. To prevent soft rot, two to three times of agricultural streptomycin should be sprayed during the rosette period. To spray 72% of the streptomycin sulfate soluble powder 4000 times before the onset or at the beginning of the disease, the mild diseased plant and the surrounding plants should be the focus. Pay attention to the petiole and stem base near the surface. Timely removal of diseased plants to reduce the source of bacteria and prevent the spread. Insect pests include aphids and cabbage caterpillars, which can be sprayed with 4.5% beta-cypermethrin 1000-1500 times. Strictly eliminate fleas to prevent viral diseases from occurring.

Fifth, timely harvest

Due to high temperature and high humidity in summer, Chinese cabbage can be harvested when it grows to 78. The specific harvest time can also be determined according to the market conditions, so as to achieve high economic returns when the cabbage price is high.

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