British scientists say eating too much phosphate-containing foods is easy to get old

Global Internet reporter Li Zongze reported that according to Taiwan’s “Central News Agency” news on April 28, British scientists warned that drinking sparkling beverages may accelerate aging. Recent studies have shown that phosphate added to increase the strong taste of a drink accelerates aging.

Studies have found that phosphate can cause skin and muscles to shrink, and can damage the heart and kidneys. Phosphate is also added to processed meats, cakes, and bread. The British "Daily Mail" reported that researchers at Harvard University conducted experiments on mice and found that taking high-dose phosphate had potential consequences. According to Weisman of the American Federation of Experimental Biology, "The millions of people in the world choose to drink caffeine by using bubble drinks, but bubble drinks also contain phosphorus."

British scientists said the results showed that the diet containing phosphate had a toxic effect and stated that “For health and longevity, people need a healthy diet, and it may be important to maintain a balanced intake of phosphate in the diet. Enjoy a healthy life."

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