How to choose high quality fruit seedlings

Look at the root system. High-quality fruit seedlings should have a complete, dense, and evenly distributed root system. At least three or more lateral roots with a root length of 0.4 cm or more are required. Roots with severe mechanical damage, little lateral roots, or no lateral roots are inferior seedlings and should not be purchased. Second, look at the plant shape. Plants erect without bending, branching distribution is reasonable, there are 4-5 good branches within the plastic belt, stems with good elasticity, no damage, full top buds, thick seedlings for high-quality fruit seedlings, otherwise poor quality seedlings. Look at the buds. More than 6-8 or more full-filled axillary buds should be provided within the plastic belts above the fixed parts of the quality fruit seedlings. Four to see the plant height and stem diameter. The high-quality fruit tree seedlings have a height requirement of 1 meter. The diameter of the stem is measured from the 8-10 cm above the healing mouth of the seedlings, and the diameter is 0.7-1 cm. Five to see healing mouth. Some fruit seedlings are grafted seedlings on the surface. In fact, it is only cutting the surface of the seedlings at the stems of the corresponding parts of the seedlings. The healing of the wounds is a bit like healing grafts. This type of fruit must not be purchased. Six to see the color. The leaves of high-quality evergreen fruit trees should be kept intact. The leaves should be green, uniform, bright in color, and free from spots, and the top buds should be full and full. Seven to see if there are no pests and diseases. All leaves with chlorosis or deformity, such as shrinkage, obesity, etc., as well as seedlings with leaf spots, ulcers, rust spots, hair root disease, and various quarantine pests should not be used.

Black Garlic

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